Tim Wu, 中文名吳修銘,畢業於哈佛大學法學院,現為哥倫比亞法學院教授,同時是榖歌公司手機部門的負責人。2005年,他被《科學美國人》雜誌評為50位科學和技術領袖之一。2007年,他當選為哈佛100位最具影響力畢業生之一。
吳修銘是位作風前衛的學者,參與過以荒誕著稱的“火燒人藝術節”;他也坦承破解過iPhone。最為大傢所知的是他提齣瞭“網絡中立”(Net Neutrality)理論。另外,他曾是幫助奧巴馬選舉的亞裔之一。
In this age of an open Internet, it is easy to forget that every American information industry, beginning with the telephone, has eventually been taken captive by some ruthless monopoly or cartel. With all our media now traveling a single network, an unprecedented potential is building for centralized control over what Americans see and hear. Could history repeat itself with the next industrial consolidation? Could the Internet—the entire flow of American information—come to be ruled by one corporate leviathan in possession of “the master switch”? That is the big question of Tim Wu’s pathbreaking book.
As Wu’s sweeping history shows, each of the new media of the twentieth century—radio, telephone, television, and film—was born free and open. Each invited unrestricted use and enterprising experiment until some would-be mogul battled his way to total domination. Here are stories of an uncommon will to power, the power over information: Adolph Zukor, who took a technology once used as commonly as YouTube is today and made it the exclusive prerogative of a kingdom called Hollywood . . . NBC’s founder, David Sarnoff, who, to save his broadcast empire from disruptive visionaries, bullied one inventor (of electronic television) into alcoholic despair and another (this one of FM radio, and his boyhood friend) into suicide . . . And foremost, Theodore Vail, founder of the Bell System, the greatest information empire of all time, and a capitalist whose faith in Soviet-style central planning set the course of every information industry thereafter.
Explaining how invention begets industry and industry begets empire—a progress often blessed by government, typically with stifling consequences for free expression and technical innovation alike—Wu identifies a time-honored pattern in the maneuvers of today’s great information powers: Apple, Google, and an eerily resurgent AT&T. A battle royal looms for the Internet’s future, and with almost every aspect of our lives now dependent on that network, this is one war we dare not tune out.
Part industrial exposé, part meditation on what freedom requires in the information age, The Master Switch is a stirring illumination of a drama that has played out over decades in the shadows of our national life and now culminates with terrifying implications for our future.
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評分曆史就是在畫著一個又一個圈,每個圈好像從本質上是類似的。 特彆是最近的一百年,可以說這個世界已經被人類自己徹底顛覆瞭。發生瞭那麼多變革之後,乃至現在的年青人可能會覺得一百年前的生活就像遠古人類生活一樣離他那麼遙遠。 而這本書就是在展現這一百年的一些關鍵變革領...
評分原來美國的通信媒體行業發展也是受到政府的管製。而且不是自由競爭,是壟斷資本主義。 Kronos Effect: the efforts undertaken by a dominant company to consume its potential successors in their infancy. 傳統行業總會試圖阻止新行業的進步。 帶來顛覆改革的都是外人。 壟...
評分原來美國的通信媒體行業發展也是受到政府的管製。而且不是自由競爭,是壟斷資本主義。 Kronos Effect: the efforts undertaken by a dominant company to consume its potential successors in their infancy. 傳統行業總會試圖阻止新行業的進步。 帶來顛覆改革的都是外人。 壟...
評分曆史就是在畫著一個又一個圈,每個圈好像從本質上是類似的。 特彆是最近的一百年,可以說這個世界已經被人類自己徹底顛覆瞭。發生瞭那麼多變革之後,乃至現在的年青人可能會覺得一百年前的生活就像遠古人類生活一樣離他那麼遙遠。 而這本書就是在展現這一百年的一些關鍵變革領...
圖書標籤: 互聯網 商業 社會 互聯網研究 Media 傳媒 internet 傳播
評分Tim Wu就是五星的保證。看之前是這麼想的。看完之後,纔知道隻值三星。
評分讀完瞭Tim Wu的The Master Switch,這本書他迴顧曆史案例的部分寫得不錯,但在正題——互聯網為何需要“網絡中立原則”的討論上齣人意料的簡單,完全是從社會正義以及保護言論自由的角度齣發,主要是動之以情,沒有曉之以理
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