Considered one of the most profound, influential, and important works of philosophy, Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals introduces the famous Categorical Imperative and lays down a foundation for all of Immanuel Kant's writings. In it, Kant illuminates the basic concept that is central to his moral philosophy and, in fact, to the entire field of modern ethical thought: the Categorical Imperative, the supreme principle of morality, stating that all decisions should be made based on what is universally acceptable. Featuring the renowned translation and commentary of Oxford's H. J. Paton, this volume has long been considered the definitive English edition of Kant's classic text. "Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals ," Paton writes in his preface, "is one of the small books which is truly great: it has exercised on human thought an influence almost ludicrously disproportionate to its size."
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Interpretations on Kant’s “Kingdom of Ends” 作者簡介:宮睿,中國政法大學人文學院副教授。北京 102249 原發信息:《中國高校社會科學》第20185期 內容提要:“目的王國”是康德哲學中一個意味深長的概念,在對它的各種解釋中仍存在疏漏和誤解,未能把握“係統性”“互為...
評分康德《道德形上學之基礎》二捲的部分梳理 一、序言 《道德形上學之基礎》第二捲的任務是“由通俗的道德哲學通往道德底形上學”。康德認為道德概念是完全先天地存於理性中,並非中經驗或偶然的中獲得,而是建立在純粹理性上。為達到這種通往道德形上學的上升,“我們得探索實踐...
評分道德形而上學奠基 一 前言 1.學科分類 物理學的升華-自然形而上學 倫理學-道德形而上學 2.道德形而上學的相關前定 (1)建立道德形而上學的目的:使得對人類社會的行為準則的責任規範,首要地來自於實踐理性理想理念的驅動,而不是來自於現象世界下形式邏輯的推理。 (2)...
評分作為“行為同一性”的康德的意誌自律(Kant’s Autonomy of Will as “the Identity of Act”) 作者簡介:宮睿,中國政法大學哲學係 內容提要:意誌自律是康德道德哲學的重要概念,但學界對此普遍持有一種“行為者的同一性”理解,即認為意誌自律的充分條件就是道德法則的服從...
圖書標籤: 哲學 Kant 英文 textbook pomona philosophy Philosophy
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評分Humenas and kantians disagree about the nature of practical reason:whether reason cna be practical or whether reson can only be"slave"of the passions.All of this seems to have signnificant implications for questions about the ultimate basis of morality.But what implications, if any,does it have for debates about what we might call the content of M
評分看得我頭都要掉瞭。prof指著背麵的推薦語說,he is a great philosopher but definitely not the greatest. That’s nonsense. 報仇的快樂 Ethics of intention; the good will; universal law; categorical imperative; duty. 和Aristotle以及Cicero更接地氣的理論有很多不同,或許是對人類還有美好幻想吧…最後“我證不下去瞭,放棄瞭,隨便吧。”(手動狗頭 prof實名diss這個理論,因為沒人能做到moral perfection所以每一次行為隻會讓自己guilty;以及人類看似有free will,卻仍受現實生物結構的限製:)
評分看得我頭都要掉瞭。prof指著背麵的推薦語說,he is a great philosopher but definitely not the greatest. That’s nonsense. 報仇的快樂 Ethics of intention; the good will; universal law; categorical imperative; duty. 和Aristotle以及Cicero更接地氣的理論有很多不同,或許是對人類還有美好幻想吧…最後“我證不下去瞭,放棄瞭,隨便吧。”(手動狗頭 prof實名diss這個理論,因為沒人能做到moral perfection所以每一次行為隻會讓自己guilty;以及人類看似有free will,卻仍受現實生物結構的限製:)
評分Humenas and kantians disagree about the nature of practical reason:whether reason cna be practical or whether reson can only be"slave"of the passions.All of this seems to have signnificant implications for questions about the ultimate basis of morality.But what implications, if any,does it have for debates about what we might call the content of M
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