Republican's Soul 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
A Celebration of the Grand Old Party You're a Republican. You pride yourself on republican values and traditions, went into mourning when your party lost the House in 2006, and are on a mission to champion the Republicans all the way to the White House in the election of 2008. In Republican's Soul, hardcore members of the party unite to celebrate and honor the experience of being a Republican as well as the party's rich historical legacy. This political pick-me-up is a humorous, fact-filled, and nostalgic exploration of what it means to be a Republican and why Republicans are so passionate about their beliefs. You will be touched by others' recollections of how politics have shaped their lives and strengthened their convictions as well as laugh out loud at other stories about donkey and elephants falling in love, politics in the family, memories of the first visit to the ballot box, and crossing party lines. Good old Republican zeal is evident throughout Republican's Soul and is further brought to life with stories, interesting trivia, historical photos of great moments in Republican history, inspiring keynote speeches, and witty cartoons--illuminating the pride and character of past and present leaders and causes worth fighting for.
Republican's Soul 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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