A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Low Price CD 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
杰奎琳·米特查德(Jacquelyn Mitchard)(1)http://book.sina.com.cn 2007年07月09日 01:30 连载:书的魔力 作者:[美] 杰克•坎菲尔 盖伊•亨迪克斯 出版社:广西科学技术出版社 杰奎琳·米特查德堪称《纽约时报》(NewYork Times)畅销书榜上的常青树。其处女...
评分 评分这算是最近看的最久的一本书了,而对于这样的小说看了这么长的时间就大的毛病就是常常会看了后面忘了前面。而我在前半部分几乎都是迷迷糊糊翻页码而已。即便是不断的看书的简介也没有找到什么遗失的记忆。而当读到弗兰西十四岁开始在上学和工作之间徘徊时,我好似醍醐灌...
评分有个纽约女孩对我说,儿时曾将这本书放在床头,不忍释卷。长大后收藏翻拍的电影,百看不厌。她说,我们并不一定非得一贫如洗才能领会这个故事。 若用消极悲观的观点看,弗兰西没理由幸福快乐,家境贫寒,祖辈是典型的新大陆移民,连着几代人都得在白手起家的美国梦中浮沉挣扎...
A moving coming-of-age story set in the 1900's, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn follows the lives of 11-year-old Francie Nolan, her younger brother Neely, and their parents, Irish immigrants who have settled in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. Johnny Nolan is as loving and fanciful as they come, but he is also often drunk and out of work, unable to find his place in the land of opportunity. His wife Katie scrubs floors to put food on the table and clothes on her childrens' backs, instilling in them the values of being practical and planning ahead. When Johnny dies, leaving Katie pregnant, Francie, smart, pensive and hoping for something better, cannot believe that life can carry on as before. But with her own determination, and that of her mother behind her, Francie is able to move toward the future of her dreams, completing her education and heading oft to college, always carrying the beloved Brooklyn of her childhood in her heart.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Low Price CD 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书