"Origami Art" is a unique new collection of origami projects featuring folding instructions for 15 complex origami models. Intricate, compelling and often lifelike, LaFosse's origami projects amaze and astound. Included here are such wonders as the American Alligator, Pond Turtles, Monk Seal, Malaysian Birdwing Butterfly and the Munich Orchid, among others. Also featured are articles on paper selection and preparation for each project; advanced techniques, such as "wetfolding" and compound origami plant design and construction. LaFosse embraces every aspect of this fascinating art form in his newest book and presents it brilliantly for advanced paper folders and the artist in us all.
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圖書標籤: 摺紙 手工 紙藝 藝術設計 摺紙藝術 電子版 英語 摺紙術
VERYCD 摺紙藝術:來自Origamido工作室設計的15個摺紙精品
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