In this highly praised new translation of Boethius' "The Consolation of Philosophy", David R. Slavitt presents a graceful, accessible, and modern version for both longtime admirers of one of the great masterpieces of philosophical literature and those encountering it for the first time. Slavitt preserves the distinction between the alternating verse and prose sections in the Latin original, allowing us to appreciate the Menippian parallels between the discourses of literary and logical inquiry. His prose translations are lively and colloquial, conveying the argumentative, occasionally bantering tone of the original, while his verse translations restore the beauty and power of Boethius' poetry. The result is a major contribution to the art of translation.Those less familiar with Consolation may remember it was written under a death sentence. Boethius (c. 480-524), an Imperial official under Theodoric, Ostrogoth ruler of Rome, found himself, in a time of political paranoia, denounced, arrested, and then executed two years later without a trial. Composed while its author was imprisoned, cut off from family and friends, it remains one of Western literature's most eloquent meditations on the transitory nature of earthly belongings, and the superiority of things of the mind. In an artful combination of verse and prose, Slavitt captures the energy and passion of the original. And in an introduction intended for the general reader, Seth Lerer places Boethius' life and achievement in context.
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評分讀到第二捲就驚艷瞭,我很震撼。 多麼透徹,理性,振聾發聵,仿佛一盆冰水劈頭蓋臉而來,多少人被命運捉弄,多少人被世事濛蔽雙眼,真應該看看清楚。 我們這個浮躁的世界真的應該看看這本書,讓自己清醒一點,不再被浮華衝昏頭。能夠理智地,泰然自若地麵對命運。 那句...
評分今天去瞭教會,順便讀瞭代國強翻譯的《哲學的慰藉》。有點失敗,主要是因為閱讀過程中有兩次對比手機電子書中的Library Fund的英文版,發現中英文之間大相徑庭,導緻對該譯本喪失信任。其實語言是相當優美,雖然後來發現Loeb版與Library Fund版也大不相同。很奇怪為何像《...
圖書標籤: Boethius 西方哲學 文學 基督教哲學 安德烈.塔可夫斯基
for beginner, for encounter. for us stupid creatures who change little through thousands of years.|讓我拉丁文拿瞭A~等著,下一個就是希臘文……
評分for beginner, for encounter. for us stupid creatures who change little through thousands of years.|讓我拉丁文拿瞭A~等著,下一個就是希臘文……
評分for beginner, for encounter. for us stupid creatures who change little through thousands of years.|讓我拉丁文拿瞭A~等著,下一個就是希臘文……
The Consolation of Philosophy 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載