"The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself." Jarndyce and Jardyce is an infamous lawsuit that has been in process for generations. Nobody can remember exactly how the case started but many different individuals have found their fortunes caught up in it. Esther Summerson watches as her friends and neighbors are consumed by their hopes and disappointments with the proceedings. But while the intricate puzzles of the lawsuit are being debated by lawyers, other more dramatic mysteries are unfolding that involve heartbreak, lost children, blackmail, and murder. This highly critical look at the flaws of the British judiciary system contains the illustrations by Phiz that are found in the original editions.
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評分 評分古話雲“儒以文亂法,俠以武犯禁”,而統治者又以權力作惡,那麼對於平民百姓來說,怎麼樣纔能保證自己的人身財産安全呢?於是人們想到瞭法律,這也是西方文明的核心之一。所以律師法官一職成為最受人尊重並且是地位高尚的職業。西方輿論也大力宣揚“法律把權力關進籠子”,可...
評分其實一開始看就被這種敘事風格語言特色所吸引瞭,當然這也可能是個人偏好,但實際上在世界文學地圖上巡遊一圈之後,再次拾起這本書,看到古怪的老太婆,瘋瘋顛顛的老頭子(早晨的奇遇),以及維多利亞式的建築設置,迷霧籠罩的倫敦,會有特殊的親切感。 看卡夫卡...
評分在我初中的時候,看的是爸爸幾十年前收藏下來的一套非常老的版本,這麼毫無吸引力的灰色封麵,上下兩冊每本都有兩塊磚那麼厚,插圖也沒幾張,可我居然能夠忍耐著讀瞭下來,並且留給我一輩子的感動。 每次嚮其它朋友推薦,大傢卻總是不知道狄更斯還寫過這部作品,甚至還跟《...
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