Dewey 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
译完《小猫杜威》已是半年以前的事了,但翻译过程中那种喜悦和激动的心情依然难以淡忘。记得我当时被书中描写的人猫真情以及主人公的磨难和坚强感动得多次热泪盈眶,书还没有译完,我就迫不及待地向许多朋友推荐了。这确实是一个真的故事,一部爱的传奇。 书中记述...
评分文/洪棉棉 我现在坐在电脑的对面,怀想着5年前我的咪咪坐在我的膝头,我坐在椅子上,它盯着我猫眼半眯,我盯着缝纫机看着针头一上一下,窗外阳光烂漫。 我看见杜威的时候,不可抑制的笑意蔓延,我的咪咪永远也不会有这般专注的眼神。它似乎生来就极度符合猫咪慵...
评分动物与人之间的关系恐怕是最玄妙最离奇的了。我不止一次地看见朋友亲戚在谈及家养小犬去世时忍不住滴落的眼泪。“没有经历过你不会知道的。我劝你以后可千万别养宠物。”每个人最后都抹着泪告诫我。 近年来一直流行的“我与xx宠物的故事”的书籍已经成为畅销书的基本模...
评分一只猫,一段人生 范典/文 这本由薇奇·麦仑撰写的《小猫杜威》好几次以其挚诚的情感打动我,以一只图书馆收养的小猫的故事上升至对家庭、生命、人生、整个小镇及全人类的审视,确实不同凡响。书的畅销和改编成影视作品,正印证它的内容已不局限于一只猫短短19年的生命,如果...
评分一 在阅读《小猫杜威》的日子里,每读完几章,总是忍不住要去看看小花。 他说:“我来检查一下它的心跳。” 我说:“用不着了,我能从它的眼睛里看出来。” 杜威走了。 当薇奇麦仑写到杜威心跳停止的那一刻...
How much of an impact can an animal have? How many lives can one cat touch? How is it possible for an abandoned kitten to transform a small library, save a classic American town, and eventually become famous around the world? You can't even begin to answer those questions until you hear the charming story of Dewey Readmore Books, the beloved library cat of Spencer , Iowa .
Dewey's story starts in the worst possible way. Only a few weeks old, on the coldest night of the year, he was stuffed into the returned book slot at the Spencer Public Library. He was found the next morning by library director, Vicki Myron, a single mother who had survived the loss of her family farm, a breast cancer scare, and an alcoholic husband. Dewey won her heart, and the hearts of the staff, by pulling himself up and hobbling on frostbitten feet to nudge each of them in a gesture of thanks and love. For the next nineteen years, he never stopped charming the people of Spencer with his enthusiasm, warmth, humility, (for a cat) and, above all, his sixth sense about who needed him most.
As his fame grew from town to town, then state to state, and finally, amazingly, worldwide, Dewey became more than just a friend; he became a source of pride for an extraordinary Heartland farming town pulling its way slowly back from the greatest crisis in its long history.
Dewey 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书