How much of an impact can an animal have? How many lives can one cat touch? How is it possible for an abandoned kitten to transform a small library, save a classic American town, and eventually become famous around the world? You can't even begin to answer those questions until you hear the charming story of Dewey Readmore Books, the beloved library cat of Spencer , Iowa .
Dewey's story starts in the worst possible way. Only a few weeks old, on the coldest night of the year, he was stuffed into the returned book slot at the Spencer Public Library. He was found the next morning by library director, Vicki Myron, a single mother who had survived the loss of her family farm, a breast cancer scare, and an alcoholic husband. Dewey won her heart, and the hearts of the staff, by pulling himself up and hobbling on frostbitten feet to nudge each of them in a gesture of thanks and love. For the next nineteen years, he never stopped charming the people of Spencer with his enthusiasm, warmth, humility, (for a cat) and, above all, his sixth sense about who needed him most.
As his fame grew from town to town, then state to state, and finally, amazingly, worldwide, Dewey became more than just a friend; he became a source of pride for an extraordinary Heartland farming town pulling its way slowly back from the greatest crisis in its long history.
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微奇給人感覺是個幾乎失去生活樂趣的女人,但是她樂觀堅強,為小貓創造瞭奇跡,為自己贏得更多的生活空間。 因此,我們改變生活態度,就是改變生活狀態,無論何時何地過一種好的生活。
評分微奇給人感覺是個幾乎失去生活樂趣的女人,但是她樂觀堅強,為小貓創造瞭奇跡,為自己贏得更多的生活空間。 因此,我們改變生活態度,就是改變生活狀態,無論何時何地過一種好的生活。
評分看過《時尚女魔頭》的人一定忘不瞭片中那個叫米蘭達的銀發女人。貴為美國頂級時尚雜誌《天橋》主編的她,不僅享受著拿HERMES紗巾當麵紙的奢侈,更握著整個時尚界呼風喚雨的特權,即使是個子高上一個頭的世界名模見瞭她,也要乖乖收斂幾分。 不過眼下人們最津津樂道的,是前米蘭...
評分一 在閱讀《小貓杜威》的日子裏,每讀完幾章,總是忍不住要去看看小花。 他說:“我來檢查一下它的心跳。” 我說:“用不著瞭,我能從它的眼睛裏看齣來。” 杜威走瞭。 當薇奇麥侖寫到杜威心跳停止的那一刻...
評分譯完《小貓杜威》已是半年以前的事瞭,但翻譯過程中那種喜悅和激動的心情依然難以淡忘。記得我當時被書中描寫的人貓真情以及主人公的磨難和堅強感動得多次熱淚盈眶,書還沒有譯完,我就迫不及待地嚮許多朋友推薦瞭。這確實是一個真的故事,一部愛的傳奇。 書中記述...
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