杰弗里•罗伯茨(Geoffrey Roberts),英国皇家历史学会会士,科克大学(UCC)历史学教授,,著有The Unholy Alliance: Stalin’s Pact with Hitler(1989)、The Soviet Union and the Origins of the Second World War(1995)、Victory at Stalingrad: The Battle That Changed History(2002)、Stalin's General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov(2012)、Molotov: Stalin's Cold Warrior(2012)等。
Stalin's Wars 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
作者:朱学东 来源:作者博客 我第一次看到这个书名,《斯大林的战争》,闪过我的脑海的,是我想象中的图书的内容——斯大林与他的人民、同僚和敌人之间的战争,是斯大林极权独裁统治下那些枉死者的故事,是古拉格群岛上劳改犯的哀号。。。。。。 但我拿到这本厚厚的图书,一...
评分甲骨文工作室微信公众号ioracode(oracode为甲骨文品牌英文名称)现已上线!甲骨文致力于将其打造成为一个关于书、关于文化的传播、交流平台。欢迎各位书友订阅关注! ID ioracode Ioracode招募公告 ioracode 是甲骨文即...
评分甲骨文工作室微信公众号ioracode(oracode为甲骨文品牌英文名称)现已上线!甲骨文致力于将其打造成为一个关于书、关于文化的传播、交流平台。欢迎各位书友订阅关注! ID ioracode Ioracode招募公告 ioracode 是甲骨文即...
评分——斯大林“打幡、抱罐、摔盆、踹门、刨坟”记 韩(非)子在《难势》中曾说: 慎子曰:飞龙乘云,腾蛇游雾,云罢雾霁,而龙蛇与螾蚁同矣,则失其所乘也。贤人而诎于不肖者,则权轻位卑也;不肖而能服于贤者,则权重位尊也。尧为匹夫不能治三人,而桀为天子能乱天下,吾以此知...
This breakthrough book provides a detailed reconstruction of Stalin's leadership from the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 to his death in 1953. Making use of a wealth of new material from Russian archives, Geoffrey Roberts challenges a long list of standard perceptions of Stalin: his qualities as a leader; his relationships with his own generals and with other great world leaders; his foreign policy; and his role in instigating the Cold War. While frankly exploring the full extent of Stalin's brutalities and their impact on the Soviet people, Roberts also uncovers evidence leading to the stunning conclusion that Stalin was both the greatest military leader of the twentieth century and a remarkable politician who sought to avoid the Cold War and establish a long-term detente with the capitalist world.By means of an integrated military, political, and diplomatic narrative, the author draws a sustained and compelling personal portrait of the Soviet leader. The resulting picture is fascinating and contradictory, and it will inevitably change the way we understand Stalin and his place in history. Roberts depicts a despot who helped save the world for democracy, a personal charmer who disciplined mercilessly, a utopian ideologue who could be a practical realist, and a warlord who undertook the role of architect of post-war peace.
Stalin's Wars 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书