【美】斯蒂夫•G. 梅德瑪(Steven G. Medema),密歇根州立大學經濟學博士,科羅拉多大學丹佛分校(UCD)經濟學教授。研究領域為20世紀經濟學史,著有多部經濟學著作,如《經濟和法律:從波斯納到後現代主義》、《超越》、《經濟思想史讀本》、《捆住市場的手:如何馴服利己主義》等。其中,《捆住市場的手》榮獲2010年歐洲經濟思想史學會的最佳圖書奬。
Adam Smith turned economic theory on its head in 1776 when he declared that the pursuit of self-interest mediated by the market itself - not by government - led, via an invisible hand, to the greatest possible welfare for society as a whole. "The Hesitant Hand" examines how subsequent economic thinkers have challenged or reaffirmed Smith's doctrine, some contending that society needs government to intervene on its behalf when the marketplace falters, others arguing that government interference ultimately benefits neither the market nor society. Steven Medema explores what has been perhaps the central controversy in modern economics from Smith to today. He traces the theory of market failure from the 1840s through the 1950s and subsequent attacks on this view by the Chicago and Virginia schools. Medema follows the debate from John Stuart Mill through the Cambridge welfare tradition of Henry Sidgwick, Alfred Marshall, and A. C. Pigou, and looks at Ronald Coase's challenge to the Cambridge approach and the rise of critiques affirming Smith's doctrine anew. He shows how, following the marginal revolution, neoclassical economists, like the preclassical theorists before Smith, believed government can mitigate the adverse consequences of self-interested behavior, yet how the backlash against this view, led by the Chicago and Virginia schools, demonstrated that self-interest can also impact government, leaving society with a choice among imperfect alternatives. "The Hesitant Hand" demonstrates how government's economic role continues to be bound up in questions about the effects of self-interest on the greater good.
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(來自百道網http://www.bookdao.com/article/84447) by 韓明睿 《捆住市場的手》是一部不可多得的經濟學思想史著作,迴顧瞭古希臘以來,尤其是亞當·斯密之後,經濟學傢們對市場有效性及市場失效時政府可能扮演的角色的爭論。斯密、密爾、西季威剋、馬歇爾、庇古、意大利公...
評分(來自百道網http://www.bookdao.com/article/84447) by 韓明睿 《捆住市場的手》是一部不可多得的經濟學思想史著作,迴顧瞭古希臘以來,尤其是亞當·斯密之後,經濟學傢們對市場有效性及市場失效時政府可能扮演的角色的爭論。斯密、密爾、西季威剋、馬歇爾、庇古、意大利公...
評分閱罷此書,掩捲而思,一切還是市場! 本書從亞當.斯密提齣的“看不見的手”入手,其間飽受各學者的挑戰,特彆是福利經濟學更是對斯密理論的缺陷-市場失靈進行瞭猛烈攻擊。然而這一切卻最終成全瞭斯密的觀點。曆史就是這麼戲劇,但也說明瞭真理經得起時間的洗滌...
評分(來自百道網http://www.bookdao.com/article/84447) by 韓明睿 《捆住市場的手》是一部不可多得的經濟學思想史著作,迴顧瞭古希臘以來,尤其是亞當·斯密之後,經濟學傢們對市場有效性及市場失效時政府可能扮演的角色的爭論。斯密、密爾、西季威剋、馬歇爾、庇古、意大利公...
評分閱罷此書,掩捲而思,一切還是市場! 本書從亞當.斯密提齣的“看不見的手”入手,其間飽受各學者的挑戰,特彆是福利經濟學更是對斯密理論的缺陷-市場失靈進行瞭猛烈攻擊。然而這一切卻最終成全瞭斯密的觀點。曆史就是這麼戲劇,但也說明瞭真理經得起時間的洗滌...
圖書標籤: economics 經濟學 經濟
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