Henderson the Rain King 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果从读小说的角度看《雨王亨德森》还是有点累的,描写太干,心理活动太多。但是我知道,这百分之八十是翻译的问题。欧美的长篇小说很多不能让人读完,比如纳博科夫,唯一好读的只有《洛丽塔》。但是又很奇怪,世界上最会讲故事的作家也在他们那儿。 读完小说以后我才深刻明白...
评分 评分读书笔记110:雨王亨德森 贝娄拿诺贝尔分量最重的一部小说,辛格是用希伯来语写作的,贝娄帮着他翻译成英文。从中也吸收了不少养分。早年我读过他不少短篇,一度我分不清他和辛格的区别。 情节来讲,雨王亨德森比较接近毛姆的刀锋,上个世纪很多欧美对于西方物质文明比较失望,...
评分当代的好作品只是矮子里拔将军。为了在文学上寻求突破,当代作家只能找各种标新立异的手段和角度去证明自己,到头来落得个没站在前人的肩膀上,只能看看能不能亲吻到前人的臀部。 以本作为例,作者以为自己抓住了美国当下的普遍的精神面貌和精神困局,想为世人谋求个圣经启示一...
Henderson the Rain King, is seriocomic novel by Saul Bellow, first published in 1959. The novel examines the midlife crisis of Eugene Henderson, an unhappy millionaire. The story concerns Henderson's search for meaning. A larger-than-life 55-year-old who has accumulated money, position, and a large family, he nonetheless feels unfulfilled. He makes a spiritual journey to Africa, where he draws emotional sustenance from experiences with African tribes. Deciding that his true destiny is as a healer, Henderson returns home, planning to enter medical school. a oeA kind of wildly delirious dream made real by the force of Bellowa (TM)s rollicking prose and the offbeat inventiveness of his language.a a " Chicago Tribune a oeBellowa (TM)s aura of fable is constantly washed over by humor, impulsive creation, and actual, turbulent detail.a a " The Nation
Henderson the Rain King 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书