Henderson the Rain King, is seriocomic novel by Saul Bellow, first published in 1959. The novel examines the midlife crisis of Eugene Henderson, an unhappy millionaire. The story concerns Henderson's search for meaning. A larger-than-life 55-year-old who has accumulated money, position, and a large family, he nonetheless feels unfulfilled. He makes a spiritual journey to Africa, where he draws emotional sustenance from experiences with African tribes. Deciding that his true destiny is as a healer, Henderson returns home, planning to enter medical school. a oeA kind of wildly delirious dream made real by the force of Bellowa (TM)s rollicking prose and the offbeat inventiveness of his language.a a " Chicago Tribune a oeBellowa (TM)s aura of fable is constantly washed over by humor, impulsive creation, and actual, turbulent detail.a a " The Nation
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和書中所定義的亨德森的混亂不堪的生活相比,自己莫名的有些傷感,因為和他比起來,自己更像是個loser。感情上諸多的不順,事業上也是高不高,低不低的,財富上也僅僅是平平狀態,頂多自己比他少瞭些中年大叔的油膩勁以及不像他的內心那麼空虛。 當然書的主旨不是要講這些,而...
評分首先這是一本兒小說(廢話瞭)。在索爾 貝婁所有為所謂中産階級或者說為知識分子所寫的小說裏,這本兒算是比較容易看進去的。翻譯沒得挑,很不錯。 “盡管我們活著需要麵對各種危急和苦難,但苦難是...一切事物中最接近於令人頂禮膜拜的東西”。 “對於一切生物來說,世...
評分首先這是一本兒小說(廢話瞭)。在索爾 貝婁所有為所謂中産階級或者說為知識分子所寫的小說裏,這本兒算是比較容易看進去的。翻譯沒得挑,很不錯。 “盡管我們活著需要麵對各種危急和苦難,但苦難是...一切事物中最接近於令人頂禮膜拜的東西”。 “對於一切生物來說,世...
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