羅伯特•艾倫(Robert C. Allen),牛津大學經濟史教授,兼納菲爾德學院(Nuffield College)客座研究員,著有《圈地運動與自耕農:梅德蘭南部地區農業發展史(1450—1850)》(Enclosure and the Yeoman: The Agricultural Development of the South Midlands, 1450–1850),《從農場到工廠:蘇聯工業革命的再闡釋》(Farm to Factory: A Re-interpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution),兩書先後於1992年和2003年齣版,均榮獲(英國)經濟史學會頒發的蘭凱奬(Ranki Prize)。
Why did the industrial revolution take place in eighteenth-century Britain and not elsewhere in Europe or Asia? In this convincing new account Robert Allen argues that the British industrial revolution was a successful response to the global economy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He shows that in Britain wages were high and capital and energy cheap in comparison to other countries in Europe and Asia. As a result, the breakthrough technologies of the industrial revolution - the steam engine, the cotton mill, and the substitution of coal for wood in metal production - were uniquely profitable to invent and use in Britain. The high wage economy of pre-industrial Britain also fostered industrial development since more people could afford schooling and apprenticeships. It was only when British engineers made these new technologies more cost-effective during the nineteenth century that the industrial revolution would spread around the world.
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關於為什麼英格蘭率先發生工業革命是一個永久的論題,各種觀點爭奇鬥艷。有影響力的有Eric Jones、Douglass North、David Landes、Robert Brenner、Gregory Clark、Jeol Mokyr、Kenneth Pomeranz等人的觀點。 本書作者Robert Allen總結瞭前人的觀點提齣瞭一種至少我還是比較能...
評分In the fist half the author pins down three major forces underlying British success: long-haired sheep (due Black Death and British agricultural conditions),cheap coal (and corresponding technologies induced) and the imperial foreign policy (behind urban ec...
評分似乎是用經濟學模型和估算數據證明瞭布倫納的中世紀晚期的階級鬥爭(的失敗?)推動英國走上工業革命的觀點。 分析方法中最大的疑點是對價格的理解偏於絕對價格,而沒有從價格體係的角度去思考。換句話說,之所以采用節省勞動力的技術,可能是因為工資高,也可能是因為煤炭便...
圖書標籤: 經濟史 全球史 Central-L-B2 Central
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