汤姆·霍兰(Tom Holland)英国畅销历史作家,尤其擅长古典历史文学写作。他曾就读于剑桥大学,取得了英语、拉丁语两科一等荣誉学位。
Rubicon 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
谁能想到,他是从苏拉渡过卢比孔河开始讲呢。 以至于,这本书的主角似乎是庞培。 那个古硬币上三层下巴的死胖子。在那个时候,刚发现自己是个壮硕的人。他意气风发,把继承来的遗产换成军队,加入苏拉的政治投机。他被称为“少年屠夫”,有少年得志的人才有的轻浮的笑脸。他见...
评分我不满的是,作者对苏拉的评价太恶意了 —— 当然,这是史识,每个人有不同的标准。 我个人更倾向于相信孟德斯鸠在《罗马盛衰原因论》中的评价: 苏拉以暴虐的方式把人们引向自由, 人们却惊呼暴政; 屋大维这个狡猾的暴君,以温和的手段把人们引向了奴役,人们却欢呼着自由。
评分很多人不知道,我们所说的罗马实际上分为三个阶段。 罗马王政时期、罗马共和国时期、罗马帝国时期。 本书所描述的就是罗马共和国晚期发生的故事。可以说,这本书以清晰的逻辑,理清了这段纷乱复杂,但是却有精彩纷呈的历史。虽然有些内容较为主观,但确实对读者理清那段历史有...
评分罗马共和国的覆灭和它自身的制度缺陷有着重大的关系,尽管共和政体成功地延续了三百多年的时间,然而在面对新的国际政治局势的挑战的时候,它暴露了自身无法有效改良的弱点。 首先,共和国的法律机构缺乏稳定和权威性,执法官同其他所有公职一样,都是定期选举的——选举法律部门听...
评分我不满的是,作者对苏拉的评价太恶意了 —— 当然,这是史识,每个人有不同的标准。 我个人更倾向于相信孟德斯鸠在《罗马盛衰原因论》中的评价: 苏拉以暴虐的方式把人们引向自由, 人们却惊呼暴政; 屋大维这个狡猾的暴君,以温和的手段把人们引向了奴役,人们却欢呼着自由。
The Roman Republic was the most remarkable state in history. What began as a small community of peasants camped among marshes and hills ended up ruling the known world. Rubicon paints a vivid portrait of the Republic at the climax of its greatness - the same greatness which would herald the catastrophe of its fall. It is a story of incomparable drama. This was the century of Julius Caesar, the gambler whose addiction to glory led him to the banks of the Rubicon, and beyond; of Cicero, whose defence of freedom would make him a byword for eloquence; of Spartacus, the slave who dared to challenge a superpower; of Cleopatra, the queen who did the same. Tom Holland brings to life this strange and unsettling civilization, with its extremes of ambition and self-sacrifice, bloodshed and desire. Yet alien as it was, the Republic still holds up a mirror to us. Its citizens were obsessed by celebrity chefs, all-night dancing and exotic pets; they fought elections in law courts and were addicted to spin; they toppled foreign tyrants in the name of self-defence. Two thousand years may have passed, but we remain the Romans' heirs.
Rubicon 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书