湯姆·霍蘭(Tom Holland)英國暢銷曆史作傢,尤其擅長古典曆史文學寫作。他曾就讀於劍橋大學,取得瞭英語、拉丁語兩科一等榮譽學位。
The Roman Republic was the most remarkable state in history. What began as a small community of peasants camped among marshes and hills ended up ruling the known world. Rubicon paints a vivid portrait of the Republic at the climax of its greatness - the same greatness which would herald the catastrophe of its fall. It is a story of incomparable drama. This was the century of Julius Caesar, the gambler whose addiction to glory led him to the banks of the Rubicon, and beyond; of Cicero, whose defence of freedom would make him a byword for eloquence; of Spartacus, the slave who dared to challenge a superpower; of Cleopatra, the queen who did the same. Tom Holland brings to life this strange and unsettling civilization, with its extremes of ambition and self-sacrifice, bloodshed and desire. Yet alien as it was, the Republic still holds up a mirror to us. Its citizens were obsessed by celebrity chefs, all-night dancing and exotic pets; they fought elections in law courts and were addicted to spin; they toppled foreign tyrants in the name of self-defence. Two thousand years may have passed, but we remain the Romans' heirs.
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我不滿的是,作者對蘇拉的評價太惡意瞭 —— 當然,這是史識,每個人有不同的標準。 我個人更傾嚮於相信孟德斯鳩在《羅馬盛衰原因論》中的評價: 蘇拉以暴虐的方式把人們引嚮自由, 人們卻驚呼暴政; 屋大維這個狡猾的暴君,以溫和的手段把人們引嚮瞭奴役,人們卻歡呼著自由。
評分把電視中少掉的曆史背景基本補上瞭,不斷有恍然大悟之感。 很多描述也不相同,比如電視劇裏西塞羅基本是個小醜,書裏的形象要高大很多。看劇的時候也疑惑,要是西塞羅這個做派,那民主黨怎麼會把剋裏比做他? 更多的收獲不是和電視比較,而是把古羅馬和今天的美國比。無論是國...
評分89頁對於圖片的解釋是:“龐貝城的競技場裏,角鬥士在相互搏殺,觀眾在場外叫嚷著。壁畫作於公元前1世紀。” 根據雷梅治的《羅馬藝術》,對此幅圖的詳細解釋應該是根據塔西佗記述的一場發生在公元59年的龐貝人和他們的近鄰努凱利亞(Nuceria)之間的騷亂(塔西佗《編年史》4.17...
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