[英]朱利安•费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)
Past Imperfect 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
所谓的公平就是,白手起家的人更有机会获得真正属于自己的人生。 朱利安•费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)1949年8月17日出生于埃及开罗,毕业于剑桥大学,英国著名作家、编剧、导演、演员、制片人。2010年被女王册封为“终身贵族”。 2002年朱利安•费罗斯凭借《高斯福庄园》获...
评分莎士比亚说:爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 但是爱情却又必须接地气,有实质的生活意义,必须掺杂在烟火里。 如果脱离了现实,爱情就显得单薄和没有色彩。 而有些爱情,一旦融入阶层色彩,就变得不对等,甚至不被认同。 其实,爱情依然是躲不开世俗...
评分 评分这本五百页的长篇,翻开书后,一口气读完,很是过瘾。《往事不曾离去》可以说是近期读过的最好看的言情小说。接下去对这本书进行分析前,我想有必要强调一下:是作为言情书而推荐。如果提到优秀文学作品的标准,小说存在一个致命问题,我会在这篇文章的最后给到解释。 《往事不...
评分《往事不曾离去》这部小说大致讲了这样一个故事:生命即将走到头的达米安寄了“我”一封信,并邀“我”面聊。此时的达米安拥有一幢豪宅以及挥霍不尽的财富,漫长的一生中仅有过一段维持了三年的婚姻。很大一部分原因是,他没有生育能力。 “我”与达米安已经有几十年不曾联系,...
""Damian Baxter was a friend of mine at Cambridge. We met around the time when I was doing the Season at the end of the Sixties. I introduced him to some of the girls. They took him up, and we ran about together in London for a while...." "Nearly forty years later, the narrator hates Damian Baxter and would gladly forget their disastrous last encounter. But if it is pleasant to hear from an old friend, it is more interesting to hear from an old enemy, and so he accepts an invitation from the rich and dying Damian, who begs him to track down the past girlfriend whose anonymous letter claimed he had fathered a child during that ruinous debutante season. The search takes the narrator back to the extraordinary world of swinging London, where aristocratic parents schemed to find suitable matches for their daughters while someone was putting hash in the brownies at a ball at Madame Tussaud's. It was a time when everything seemed to be changing--and it was, but not always quite as expected.
Past Imperfect 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书