[英]硃利安•費羅斯(Julian Fellowes)
""Damian Baxter was a friend of mine at Cambridge. We met around the time when I was doing the Season at the end of the Sixties. I introduced him to some of the girls. They took him up, and we ran about together in London for a while...." "Nearly forty years later, the narrator hates Damian Baxter and would gladly forget their disastrous last encounter. But if it is pleasant to hear from an old friend, it is more interesting to hear from an old enemy, and so he accepts an invitation from the rich and dying Damian, who begs him to track down the past girlfriend whose anonymous letter claimed he had fathered a child during that ruinous debutante season. The search takes the narrator back to the extraordinary world of swinging London, where aristocratic parents schemed to find suitable matches for their daughters while someone was putting hash in the brownies at a ball at Madame Tussaud's. It was a time when everything seemed to be changing--and it was, but not always quite as expected.
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有人分析過〈唐頓莊園〉大熱的原因:它被彬彬有禮、溫情脈脈的麵紗所罩,呈現給觀眾的是一片歡樂祥和。那些銀光鋥亮的餐具,那些一絲不苟的服裝,那些繁瑣細緻的禮儀,那些堅不可摧的講究…… 一切上下尊卑,被貴族們自然散發的氣質懾服,一切衝突矛盾,被愛和仁慈所化。所以,...
評分 評分莎士比亞說:愛情裏麵要是攙雜瞭和它本身無關的算計,那就不是真的愛情。 但是愛情卻又必須接地氣,有實質的生活意義,必須摻雜在煙火裏。 如果脫離瞭現實,愛情就顯得單薄和沒有色彩。 而有些愛情,一旦融入階層色彩,就變得不對等,甚至不被認同。 其實,愛情依然是躲不開世俗...
評分達米安,一個垂死之人在生命的彌留之際,再次找到“我”,因一封“親愛的人渣……我決不會原諒你,你讓我的人生遭遇如此的不幸,我不該遭受如此摺磨。” 當年的達米安一度風流倜儻,跟隨“我”頻頻齣入“上流社會”交際圈。他的光環可謂是“高處不勝寒”,走到哪兒都是被異性眾...
評分國慶假期,我看瞭一本書,英國著名編劇——《唐頓莊園》的編劇硃利安•費羅斯的最佳小說《往事不曾離去》。這本小說自上市以來就橫掃《星期日泰晤士報》《紐約時報》《每日郵報》等各大圖書榜單,暢銷20個國傢,在中國颱灣還得到蔡康永的大力推薦。 它講瞭一個什麼故事呢? ...
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