Frankenstein 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
引言 大约距今九十年之前,一股自西向东而来的狂风正席卷中原大地——它吹落国人头顶的发髻,吹散国人眼前的浓雾,也吹醒国人心底的迷梦。在这狂风骤雨的交响曲之中,有一个最强的音——正是这个音,将我们拉入现代的世界,使这个落后的农业文明初次对现代化有了直观的认识—...
评分 评分“而我这个被遗弃的受苦人却是个怪胎,活该受人轻蔑、蹂躏、践踏,被踢来踢去。”小说结尾,怪物疾声控诉,控诉狠心的造物主,控诉不公的命运。在怪物身上,它的出生便是种罪恶,是伴随其一生的原生之罪。这就注定了它要穷尽一生的时间去救赎,而如何救赎,便成了横亘于怪物面...
评分如果造出了一个丑陋的怪物怎么办?人们选择唾弃他,弗兰肯斯坦选择抛弃他。 如果生出了一个残疾的小孩怎么办?有的父母选择继续抚养,而有的父母选择无情地抛弃。 其实,这些问题都是相似的。 怪物的名字不叫弗兰肯斯坦,弗兰肯斯坦是创造怪物的人。怪物没有名字。 上帝造出...
评分Shelley's story shows interesting connection between creator and its creation. The monster and Frankenstein share similar character in some aspects: both of them are curious and learn very fast. They are both hesitant, eager for love, and bear great grief....
Dr. Frankenstein learns the secret of imparting life to inanimate matter. To test his theories, he collects bones from the charnel-houses to construct a "human" being, and then gives it life. The creature, endowed with supernatural size and strength, is revolting to look at, and frightens all who see it. Lonely and miserable, it comes to hate its creator. The monster murders Frankenstein's brother and his bride, and flees. The doctor pursues his creation in order to destroy it, but dies himself in the attempt. The story of Frankenstein was first written as a ghost story to be told as part of a contest between Mary Shelley, her husband, and Lord Byron. This tale of terror has been a world favorite since it was first published in 1818, and has been made into countless movies.
Frankenstein 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书