The Soul at Work 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 工作 哲学 英文 批判理论 心智 社会学 政治 异化
We can reach every point in the world but, more importantly, we can be reached from any point in the world. Privacy and its possibilities are abolished. Attention is under siege everywhere. Not silence but uninterrupted noise, not the red desert, but a cognitive space overcharged with nervous incentives to act: this is the alienation of our times....
—from The Soul at Work
Capital has managed to overcome the dualism of body and soul by establishing a workforce in which everything we mean by the Soul—language, creativity, affects—is mobilized for its own benefit. Industrial production put to work bodies, muscles, and arms. Now, in the sphere of digital technology and cyberculture, exploitation involves the mind, language, and emotions in order to generate value—while our bodies disappear in front of our computer screens.
In this, his newest book, Franco "Bifo" Berardi—key member of the Italian Autonomist movement and a close associate of Félix Guattari—addresses these new forms of estrangement. In the philosophical landscape of the 1960s and 1970s, the Hegelian concept of alienation was used to define the harnessing of subjectivity. The estrangement of workers from their labor, the feeling of alienation they experienced, and their refusal to submit to it became the bases for a human community that remained autonomous from capital. But today a new condition of alienation has taken root in which workers commonly and voluntarily work overtime, the population is tethered to cell phones and Blackberries, debt has become a postmodern form of slavery, and antidepressants are commonly used to meet the unending pressure of production. As a result, the conditions for community have run aground and new philosophical categories are needed. The Soul at Work is a clarion call for a new collective effort to reclaim happiness.
The Soul at Work is Bifo's long overdue introduction to English-speaking readers. This Semiotext(e) edition is also the book's first appearance in any language.
评分在当今以数字技术、符号经济为主导的资本主义模式下,“异化”由身体转向了“灵魂”,资本主义对人的剥削反映在心灵劳动上- 不断发明新的符号去刺激、引导欲望且这个过程不断被加速。物理的、身体上的异化虽然解除了,但这些“心灵劳动者”却在越来越快的符号自我增殖的环境下,面临间歇性的抑郁与认知崩溃。面对这一情境,人们需要想方设法脱离掉这个如风暴般的资本主义符号系统,去寻找、发明这个系统之外的范式去生活,实现真正的灵魂自治。
The Soul at Work 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书