Told in a series of e-mails, this spirited novel, follows the adventures of high-energy entrepreneur Dave Powers. When he becomes head of marketing in a large health insurance company, he has no idea that he's in store for the roller-coaster ride of his life. Used to operating independently, he's shocked by the twists and turns of office politics and departmental turf wars, and the behind-the-scenes shenanigans of narcissistic bosses and groveling sycophants. A cautionary tale filled with laughter and despair, the novel entertains while documenting the accomplishments and frustrations of a creative outsider. Dave's roughshod ride through the corridors of corporate bureaucracy is as hilarious as it is heart-breaking. His story of creative triumphs, managerial incompetence and exasperating fiascos is an object lesson of the realities of power, greed, folly and success in today's dysfunctional business world.
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