瑪麗·羅琦Mary Roach
《人類屍體的奇異生活》Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
《見鬼,科學推倒來世》Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
《科學碰撞“性”》Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
《打包去火星》Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in theVoid
《消化道曆險記》Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
S"tiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers--some willing, some unwittingly--have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. In this fascinating account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries and tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them.
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#Mary Roach#的《Stiff》的中文版《僵屍的奇異生活》翻譯得正經有餘趣味不足,有些地方準確性尚待商榷,比如“ You cut off heads. You cut off heads. You cut off heads.”被翻譯成“你這個劊子手,你這個劊子手”,但原文所指的隻是醫學院助教人員移除屍體頭部,哪來殺人行...
評分我們赤裸裸的來到這個世界,帶來瞭歡喜和新生;也將赤裸裸的離開這個世界,留下瞭傷悲,還有一具軀體。我們或許都會在人生得某個時點想過我們的靈魂將會以怎樣的方式離開這個世界,但對於我們死之後的遺體,你是否也想過以何種方式“毀屍滅跡”迴歸自然呢? 靈魂美化瞭人類,就...
評分我不知道為什麼豆瓣評分這麼高,而我又齣於好奇心買瞭這本書,有要的同學麻煩留下地址,不包郵贈送。 首先,作為一本翻譯著作。實在是不敢恭維這位譯者的水平,真是看到譯文的行文結構就自己想腦補迴英文。 其次,還是作為一本翻譯,原文中作者用英文處處想要錶達的幽默感,...
評分在我們中國人的哲學中,似乎很忌諱死。當然,死在文人墨客的筆下,也可以描述的很悲壯,比如古詩中有專門的悼亡詩,但總體上,我們提到死,是諱莫如深的,是避之不及的。對屍體,應該說,尤其如此,所以,湘西趕屍人成瞭眾說紛紜的一個傳說,嗯,隻是傳說。 在拿到這本書之前...
評分在我們中國人的哲學中,似乎很忌諱死。當然,死在文人墨客的筆下,也可以描述的很悲壯,比如古詩中有專門的悼亡詩,但總體上,我們提到死,是諱莫如深的,是避之不及的。對屍體,應該說,尤其如此,所以,湘西趕屍人成瞭眾說紛紜的一個傳說,嗯,隻是傳說。 在拿到這本書之前...
圖書標籤: 美國 死亡 屍體研究 TED 科普 演講 僵硬 專欄
When people passed away, they're no longer there. It's just a shell of their remaining. I had fun reading through.
評分When people passed away, they're no longer there. It's just a shell of their remaining. I had fun reading through.
評分When people passed away, they're no longer there. It's just a shell of their remaining. I had fun reading through.
評分When people passed away, they're no longer there. It's just a shell of their remaining. I had fun reading through.
評分When people passed away, they're no longer there. It's just a shell of their remaining. I had fun reading through.
Stiff 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載