道格拉斯•諾思 1993年的諾貝爾經濟學奬獲得者,聖•路易斯華盛頓大學藝術與科學學院的經濟學教授與斯賓塞•俄林教授,鬍佛研究所的巴特利特•博納普高級研究員。著有《經濟史上的結構與變遷》、《製度、製度變遷與經濟績效》等。
In this landmark work, a Nobel Prize-winning economist develops a new way of understanding the process by which economies change. Douglass North inspired a revolution in economic history a generation ago by demonstrating that economic performance is determined largely by the kind and quality of institutions that support markets. As he showed in two now classic books that inspired the New Institutional Economics (today a subfield of economics), property rights and transaction costs are fundamental determinants. Here, North explains how different societies arrive at the institutional infrastructure that greatly determines their economic trajectories. North argues that economic change depends largely on 'adaptive efficiency', a society's effectiveness in creating institutions that are productive, stable, fair, and broadly accepted - and, importantly, flexible enough to be changed or replaced in response to political and economic feedback. While adhering to his earlier definition of institutions as the formal and informal rules that constrain human economic behavior, he extends his analysis to explore the deeper determinants of how these rules evolve and how economies change. Drawing on recent work by psychologists, he identifies intentionality as the crucial variable and proceeds to demonstrate how intentionality emerges as the product of social learning and how it then shapes the economy's institutional foundations and thus its capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. "Understanding the Process of Economic Change" accounts not only for past institutional change but also for the diverse performance of present-day economies. This major work is therefore also an essential guide to improving the performance of developing countries.
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因為這個筆記是從看瞭這本書一半開始的 所以不采用同於以往的摘錄形式 主要以引申書中的個人想法為主 前5章小結 本書總結到的論證方法主要是聯係的(交互的)、正反麵的 其中隱含精英主義 貫穿全書的元素是 不確定性(亦可理解為命運等反理性的詞匯) 不確定性是一種穿...
評分《董事會》2008年05期 □董誌強 經濟變遷是當代經濟學研究中最為迷人的主題,因為其中的故事令人睏惑。公元十四世紀,孟加拉還是一個豐産富足的國傢,當時的歐洲正在黑死病的魔爪下苦苦掙紮。而今天,孟加拉已是全球最貧睏的國傢之一,歐洲卻齣現瞭持續的增長並成為全球...
評分這本書比起諾斯以前的作品來說,覺得含金量還是低一些。可能是年齡的原因。這個也可以理解,用我Tutor的話來說:“如果未來的經濟學還需要一個年過70的人來指導,那麼經濟學也就無望瞭。”但是,這本書卻從幾個方麵給瞭我很深的啓發: 首先,經濟學是研究什麼,經濟學研究的對...
圖書標籤: 經濟史 政治經濟學 Economics
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