梁允翔(Samuel Y. Liang),美國猶他榖大學哲學人文係副教授、人文部主任。曾任教於麻省理工學院、曼徹斯特大學和廣州大學。研究領域:中國近現代城市發展史、建築史、文化研究等。著有Remaking China’s Great Cities: Space and Culture in Urban Housing, Renewal, and Expansions(New York: Routledge,2014). Mapping Modernity in Shanghai: Space, Gender, and Visual Culture in the Sojourners’ City 1853–1898(New York: Routledge,2010). 本書是在Mapping Modernity in Shanghai的基礎上改寫而成。
This book argues that modernity first arrived in late nineteenth-century Shanghai via a new spatial configuration. This city's colonial capitalist development ruptured the traditional configuration of self-contained households, towns, and natural landscapes in a continuous spread, producing a new set of fragmented as well as fluid spaces. In this process, Chinese sojourners actively appropriated new concepts and technology rather than passively responding to Western influences. Liang maps the spatial and material existence of these transient people and reconstructs a cultural geography that spreads from the interior to the neighbourhood and public spaces. In this book the author: discusses the courtesan house as a surrogate home and analyzes its business, gender, and material configurations; examines a new type of residential neighbourhood and shows how its innovative spatial arrangements transformed the traditional social order and hierarchy; surveys a range of public spaces and highlights the mythic perceptions of industrial marvels, the adaptations of colonial spatial types, the emergence of an urban public, and the spatial fluidity between elites and masses. Through reading contemporaneous literary and visual sources, the book charts a hybrid modern development that stands in contrast to the positivist conception of modern progress. As such it will be a provocative read for scholars of Chinese cultural and architectural history.
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主要假設有兩個,第一,對於中國現代性這個命題,提倡發掘微小的、活的曆史,來作為資本主義全球化的counter theme。上海作為中國現代化的最前沿,在清末民初形成瞭一種工業與傳統互相主動融閤的新自然。 二,以時間為主導的研究將現代與前現代斷裂開來。所以本書關注空間,以...
評分有幸聽梁教授講過一次,遷延日久,憑記憶寫些殘片,還須達人補充。 寓居城市的現代性(19世紀) 與本雅明提齣的歐洲的現代性相對照。本雅明批判瞭綫性發展觀,發展超越自然。案:可類比山水畫(mythic nature)與界畫(超越自然)中不同的自然觀。 開埠後,上海華洋雜居,空間...
評分主要假設有兩個,第一,對於中國現代性這個命題,提倡發掘微小的、活的曆史,來作為資本主義全球化的counter theme。上海作為中國現代化的最前沿,在清末民初形成瞭一種工業與傳統互相主動融閤的新自然。 二,以時間為主導的研究將現代與前現代斷裂開來。所以本書關注空間,以...
評分有幸聽梁教授講過一次,遷延日久,憑記憶寫些殘片,還須達人補充。 寓居城市的現代性(19世紀) 與本雅明提齣的歐洲的現代性相對照。本雅明批判瞭綫性發展觀,發展超越自然。案:可類比山水畫(mythic nature)與界畫(超越自然)中不同的自然觀。 開埠後,上海華洋雜居,空間...
評分有幸聽梁教授講過一次,遷延日久,憑記憶寫些殘片,還須達人補充。 寓居城市的現代性(19世紀) 與本雅明提齣的歐洲的現代性相對照。本雅明批判瞭綫性發展觀,發展超越自然。案:可類比山水畫(mythic nature)與界畫(超越自然)中不同的自然觀。 開埠後,上海華洋雜居,空間...
圖書標籤: 上海 城市研究 海外中國研究 文化史 城市史 文化研究 藝術史 晚清
spatial reconfiguration是他探討的urban modernity錶現,但是又說這是起源於新儒學自體變革,因為文人們正在過一種越來越fluid的生活,比如在畫舫上招妓,孔廟和集市混雜。。近代sojourner在上海因為nostalgia親睞妓女,然後造成瞭新舊中西混雜的傢庭和商業混雜的景象。總argument就是這個modernity是alternative modernity而不是premature modernity,是hybrid fluid public space流動什麼的之類的。用妓女的材料好多,而且基於的都是當年的手冊和海上花列傳。。。真的沒關係嗎。還是沒講清楚吧,看起來這個modernity就是宋朝明朝的加強版而已。。
評分By relinquishing the agenda of reconstructing an all-encompassing narrative, we can move from “nuanced evaluation” to a vigorous excavation of these materials so as to lay bare their hidden, unconscious agendas, and to a critical, intertextual examination of them in order to reveal some genuine historical experiences. 很優雅。
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