湯姆·拉思(Tom Rath),蓋洛普公司全球谘詢業務負責人。他領導瞭一係列的研發項目,包括評估工具、專著和其他專業研究,特彆是暢銷書《現在,發現你的優勢》所使用的理論、技術和語言體係。著有暢銷書:《你的水桶有多滿》,《鐵杆朋友》和《現在,發現你的領導力優勢》。
吉姆·哈特(Jim Harter)博士,蓋洛普國際工作環境及幸福問題研究首席科學傢,發錶的研究調查報告超過1000篇,在《今日美國》、《華爾街日報》、《紐約時報》上發錶多篇學術文章,著有暢銷書《偉大管理的12要素》。
Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements , the latest New York Times , Wall Street Journal , and USA Today bestseller from Gallup Press.
Much of what we think will improve our wellbeing is either misguided or just plain wrong.
Contrary to what many people believe, wellbeing isn't just about being happy. Nor is it only about being wealthy or successful. And it's certainly not limited to physical health and wellness. In fact, focusing on any of these elements in isolation may drive us to frustration and even a sense of failure.
When striving to improve our lives, we are quick to buy into programs that promise to help us make money, lose weight, or strengthen our relationships. While it might be easier to treat these critical areas in our lives as if they operate independently, they don't. Gallup's comprehensive study of people in more than 150 countries revealed five universal, interconnected elements that shape our lives:
The Five Essential Elements
Career Wellbeing Social Wellbeing Financial Wellbeing Physical Wellbeing Community Wellbeing
Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements will provide you with a holistic view of what contributes to your wellbeing over a lifetime. Written in a conversational style by #1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Rath and bestselling author Jim Harter, Ph.D., this book is filled with fascinating research and novel ideas for boosting your wellbeing in each of these five areas.
By the time you finish reading this book, you should have a better understanding of what makes life worthwhile. This will enable you to enjoy each day and get more out of your life -- and perhaps most importantly, boost the wellbeing of your friends, family members, colleagues, and others in your community.
(Each copy of this book includes a unique ID code for Gallup's online Wellbeing Finder, a program designed to help you track and improve your wellbeing over time. )
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因為在公司負責幸福指數項目,聽同事推薦買瞭這本書,無論對個體還是組織,都是很有價值的。蓋洛普在企業管理和組織發展領域,比其他谘詢機構走的是快一些,可能他們的視野看的比較遠。 書中把影響人幸福感的因素歸結為五大類:職業生活幸福感、社交關係幸福感、財務狀況幸...
評分 評分測量每日幸福感的十項評估條件: 1 感覺休息得很好 2 受到尊重 3 微笑或大笑 4 學習或興趣 5 愉快 6 身體疼痛 7 擔憂 8 悲傷 9 壓力 10 憤怒 www.wbfinder.com上可以憑書中的密碼注冊,但其實如果有意評估自己的幸福感,尤其是想要監測和推進自己的幸福感,可以定期(例如每...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 管理 生活
Career wellbeing, social wellbeing, financial wellbeing, physical wellbeing, community wellbeing
評分Career wellbeing, social wellbeing, financial wellbeing, physical wellbeing, community wellbeing
Wellbeing 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載