约翰·威廉斯 John Williams (1922-1994),美国作家、诗人、学者。辍过学,当过电台播音,从过军。退役后入大学就读并获博士学位,于1954-1985年间在母校丹佛大学教授大学英语及创意写作。曾编选《文艺复兴时期的英语诗歌》,也创作过两本诗集。一生只写了 四部小说:《惟有黑夜》(1948)、《屠夫十字镇》(1960)、《斯通纳》(1965)、《奥古斯都》(1973,本书获得当年美国国家图书奖)。对约翰·威廉斯的写作,英国作家朱利安·巴恩斯评论:“当我称之为‘绝佳’,我的意思是它们(《屠夫十字镇》《斯通纳》)已经超越了各自类型范围内的评价标准。”
Butcher's Crossing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
和大部分人一样,我也是在看了《斯通纳》以后,才认识了John Williams,在读完《斯通纳》后,觉得十分意犹未尽,于是看起了这本《屠夫十字镇》。 或许我们每个人都曾是安德鲁斯,厌倦了日常生活,觉得琐碎的生活是压抑的、丑陋的、懒散的、毫无意义的,我们渴望冲破这样的束缚...
评分去年才读了美国文学奠基之作梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》,起先我一直以为它是小说。《瓦尔登湖》并非一本易消化的消遣读物,文中除却梭罗对荒野人生的思考,还有大块大块有关经济政治的议论,读的昏昏然。 梭罗的贡献不只是带动了自然文学的创作,不少作家是直接受《瓦尔登湖》的...
In his National Book Award winning novel Augustus , John Williams uncovered the secrets of ancient Rome. With Butcher's Crossing , his fiercely intelligent, beautifully written western, Williams dismantles the myths of modern America.
It is the 1870s, and Will Andrews, fired up by Emerson to seek ''an original relation to nature,'' drops out of Harvard and heads west. He washes up in Butcher's Crossing, a small Kansas town on the outskirts of nowhere. Butcher's Crossing is full of restless men looking for ways to make money and ways to waste it. Before long Andrews strikes up a friendship with one of them, a man who regales Andrews with tales of immense herds of buffalo, ready for the taking, hidden away in a beautiful valley deep in the Colorado Rockies. He convinces Andrews to join in an expedition to track the animals down. The journey out is grueling, but at the end is a place of paradisiacal richness. Once there, however, the three men abandon themselves to an orgy of slaughter, so caught up in killing buffalo that they lose all sense of time. Winter soon overtakes them: they are snowed in. Next spring, half-insane with cabin fever, cold, and hunger, they stagger back to Butcher's Crossing to find a world as irremediably changed as they have been.
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