On its first appearance, The Screwtape Letters was immediately recognized as a milestone in the history of popular theology and has since sold more than a quarter of a million editions. Now stunningly repackaged and rebranded as part of the Signature Classics range. A masterpiece of satire, this classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world overwith its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to 'Our Father Below'. At once wildly comic, deadly serious and strikingly original, C.S. Lewis gives us the correspondence of the worldly wise old devil to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man. Dedicated to Lewis's friend and colleague J.R.R. Tolkien, The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation -- and triumph over it -- ever written.
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“你的工作就是要把他的注意力鎖定在那感官體驗的急流中。教他把那急流稱為‘現實生活’卻彆讓他去問自己所說的‘現實’是什麼意思” 人的 屬性決定瞭人多麼受限於“眼前的瑣事”。假如,你在生活中 喜歡越過“瑣事”去談生命的意義,大傢隻會對你的想法嗤之以鼻。即使“生死”...
評分CS Lewis:The Screwtape Letters (1942) Screwtape is a senior devil whose job is to increase the store of malice and misery on Earth. He achieves this by carefully targeting humans and then providing them with an array of temptations that can ...
評分最近拜讀魯益師(C. S. Lewis)名作《地獄來鴻》(Screwtape Letters),獲益良多。魯益師是知識份子,他從無神論者變為基督徒,經曆瞭不少思緒衝擊及神的同在。在他的著作《反璞歸真》(Mere Christianity)中,他對各種基督信仰疑問都較一般人有著更深刻和理性的思考。《地獄...
評分這種語境及設計感,無法不讓人有宗教神聖感,盡管是來自魔鬼的書信。由此可見,比起枯燥乏味的大段說教式篇幅,巧妙的布局可以讓宗教人性這麼個單調話題展現齣無比的既豐富又立體的心靈感觸。 既然是宗教哲學,那麼主觀視角自然無法避免。盡量將對上帝本身的崇拜轉化為物化崇拜...
評分《魔鬼傢書》豆瓣8.9。這本書,還是簡單說的話,叫離傑作僅一步之遙。它以魔鬼的口吻,模擬瞭倆鬼的書信往來,作者自以為高級的揭露瞭好多人性之惡。但這也恰恰是它的問題,你可以簡單歸結為高度不夠。 我常說,中國話吧,都兩麵說。有人覺得瘦死的駱駝比馬大,也有人覺得拔瞭...
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