莫里斯•布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot),法国著名作家、思想家,1907年生于索恩-卢瓦尔,2003年逝世于巴黎。布朗肖一生行事低调,中年后不接受采访与摄影,但他的作品和思想影响了整个法国当代思想界,对法国许多大知识分子和大作家如乔治‧巴塔耶、列维纳斯、萨特、福柯、罗兰‧巴特、德里达等都影响深远。
The One Who Was Standing Apart from Me 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分布朗肖是绝无仅有的文本形式,其人与其作品是合二为一的。 每当我对语言产生质疑,读布朗肖都会让我知道:一方面,语言的确是意识的不完美载体而已;另一方面,我所质疑的语言是较为传统的语言形式,倘若我们都能像布朗肖那样以如此高级的方式把玩语言,还是可以被暂时使用的。...
评分Celui qui ne m'accompagne pas, je peux toujours sentir son délire dans l'espace gris. Si nous en sommes un, si nous pouvons utiliser le vrai langage pour tout écraser dans la sincérité de l'écriture. Peut-être pourrions-nous sortir de cette pièce vid...
图书标签: 莫里斯·布朗肖 文学 学术 ~书牍完了 msc english P布朗肖 Davis,Lydia
This work takes the form of a conversation, an interview. An obsessive questioning back and forth builds up Blanchot's narrative, with its sense--shared with Kafka's famous 'doorkeeper' parable--that behind each question lies the spooky possibility of a further, more imposing, more insoluble question. Thematically, powerlessness, inertia, insufficient speech, weariness, falling, faltering--everything tied to a negative or nonexistent value in ordinary discourse--is given value here by its being articulated, moved into writing and thought. What's insignificant or worthless gathers weight through its troubling persistence, its failure to disappear. The 'endless' conversation of Blanchot's writing turns 'fiction' toward an experience of listening--a far cry from the storytelling most fiction (still) takes itself to be.
The One Who Was Standing Apart from Me 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书