赫塔·米勒(Herta Müller),1953年8月17日生于罗马尼亚蒂米什县一个农民家庭,村庄以德语为通用语言。1982年,处女作短篇小说集《低地》出版。1987年与丈夫小说家理查德·瓦格移居西德,现常居柏林。
The Land of Green Plums 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分记得二十岁时读乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》,两天看了几十页,觉得云缠雾绕,糊里糊涂,愣是没看出个头绪来。自那以后,就对自己的文学理解能力很不自信,也对西方现代文学有点敬而远之了。 老早就风闻2009年诺贝尔文学奖得主赫塔·米勒的书有些难懂。而收到这两本书时,我正在矿上...
评分--与书无关,路过原谅,书评待续-- 2010年12月31日 我记得你在电话里问我 砂织 新年了哦 寄礼物给你可以吗 书你喜欢吗 我很开心 于是难过 青岛的大雪在你的话筒里飘着 但我不确定那究竟是一场雪、海边的风、记忆的嘲讽还是你在哈气 我蹲在广州一个漏水的小区天台上接电...
图书标签: 罗马尼亚 英文 小说 女性 外国文学 其他语言 二手 东欧
Set in Romania at the height of Ceauescu's reign of terror, The Land of Green Plums tells the story of a group of young people who leave the impoverished province for the city in search of better prospects and camaraderie. But their hopes are ravaged, because the city, no less than the countryside, bears everywhere the mark of the dictatorship's corrosive touch. All the narrator's friends—teachers and students of vaguely dissident allegiance—betray her, do away with themselves, or both. As they do so, we see the way the totalitarian state comes to inhabit every human realm and how everyone, even the strongest, must either bend to the oppressors or resist them and thereby perish.
Herta Müller, herself a survivor of Ceausescu's police state, speaks from intimate experience. Scene by scene, in language at once harsh and poetic, she constructs a devastating picture of a society and a generation ruined by fear. In simple images of hieroglyphic power—policeman filling their pockets and mouths with green plums; girls sleeping with abattoir workers for bags of offal; a docile proletariat making things no one wants—"tin sheep and wooden watermelons"—Müller anatomizes a country and its citizens and the corruption that has rotted the core of both.
The Land of Green Plums 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书