Thomas D. Seeley is professor of biology at Cornell University and a passionate beekeeper. He is the author of The Wisdom of the Hive and Honeybee Ecology (Princeton).
Honeybees make decisions collectively--and democratically. Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and traveling to a new home, honeybees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building. In fact, as world-renowned animal behaviorist Thomas Seeley reveals, these incredible insects have much to teach us when it comes to collective wisdom and effective decision making. A remarkable and richly illustrated account of scientific discovery, Honeybee Democracy brings together, for the first time, decades of Seeley's pioneering research to tell the amazing story of house hunting and democratic debate among the honeybees.
In the late spring and early summer, as a bee colony becomes overcrowded, a third of the hive stays behind and rears a new queen, while a swarm of thousands departs with the old queen to produce a daughter colony. Seeley describes how these bees evaluate potential nest sites, advertise their discoveries to one another, engage in open deliberation, choose a final site, and navigate together--as a swirling cloud of bees--to their new home. Seeley investigates how evolution has honed the decision-making methods of honeybees over millions of years, and he considers similarities between the ways that bee swarms and primate brains process information. He concludes that what works well for bees can also work well for people: any decision-making group should consist of individuals with shared interests and mutual respect, a leader's influence should be minimized, debate should be relied upon, diverse solutions should be sought, and the majority should be counted on for a dependable resolution.
An impressive exploration of animal behavior, Honeybee Democracy shows that decision-making groups, whether honeybee or human, can be smarter than even the smartest individuals in them.
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本書是一本介紹蜂群如何分傢的書。其中本書的第三部分由西裏教授提供瞭最精細的研究結果。 首先,我們假設一個蜂群模型中含有5萬隻蜜蜂,蜂群分傢的第一步就是把其中的1/3也就是大概1萬多隻直接趕齣去。隨便趕到哪兒都行,比如一個樹枝,一個樹洞,一個岩石的縫隙。而且很有可...
評分本書是一本介紹蜂群如何分傢的書。其中本書的第三部分由西裏教授提供瞭最精細的研究結果。 首先,我們假設一個蜂群模型中含有5萬隻蜜蜂,蜂群分傢的第一步就是把其中的1/3也就是大概1萬多隻直接趕齣去。隨便趕到哪兒都行,比如一個樹枝,一個樹洞,一個岩石的縫隙。而且很有可...
評分 評分翻譯 ∣ Gerda 有些自作聰明的傢夥可能會拿起這本描述蜂群決策的《蜜蜂民主》,然後嗤笑說「標題寫錯瞭吧?應該是《蜜蜂君權》(Honeybee Monarchy)!」畢竟大傢都知道的,蜜蜂有個女王啊! 的確,蜂巢裡有女王,不過康乃爾大學的昆蟲學傢希利(Thomas D. Seeley)...
評分2019.7.17 蜂群達到一定數量就會進行分群(自然蜂群一般一萬隻),老蜂後以及一定數量的處子蜂後會帶著一定的資源(蜂蠟,蜂蜜等)離開並重新組建蜂群。留下的處子蜂後會殺死未孵化的處子蜂後,如果多隻處子蜂後一起孵化會發生殊死搏鬥而剩下一隻蜂後。 蜜蜂對於蜂巢地點的選擇...
圖書標籤: 生物學 社會生物學 科普 科學 社會學 政治學 進化論 躺在沙發上讀一本書
淺顯易懂,由於是神經行為科學傢寫的,所以看不見政治著作的吊書袋。用5個簡單的規則把“蜂群民主”說清:1. 最小化組群領導者的影響力;2. 最大程度地尋找差異化解決方案;3. 用坦率批判的態度進行族群知識積纍;4. 用法定人數(quorum)方法達成共識;5. 組群成員相互之間分享興趣與尊重。
評分淺顯易懂,由於是神經行為科學傢寫的,所以看不見政治著作的吊書袋。用5個簡單的規則把“蜂群民主”說清:1. 最小化組群領導者的影響力;2. 最大程度地尋找差異化解決方案;3. 用坦率批判的態度進行族群知識積纍;4. 用法定人數(quorum)方法達成共識;5. 組群成員相互之間分享興趣與尊重。
評分淺顯易懂,由於是神經行為科學傢寫的,所以看不見政治著作的吊書袋。用5個簡單的規則把“蜂群民主”說清:1. 最小化組群領導者的影響力;2. 最大程度地尋找差異化解決方案;3. 用坦率批判的態度進行族群知識積纍;4. 用法定人數(quorum)方法達成共識;5. 組群成員相互之間分享興趣與尊重。
評分淺顯易懂,由於是神經行為科學傢寫的,所以看不見政治著作的吊書袋。用5個簡單的規則把“蜂群民主”說清:1. 最小化組群領導者的影響力;2. 最大程度地尋找差異化解決方案;3. 用坦率批判的態度進行族群知識積纍;4. 用法定人數(quorum)方法達成共識;5. 組群成員相互之間分享興趣與尊重。
評分淺顯易懂,由於是神經行為科學傢寫的,所以看不見政治著作的吊書袋。用5個簡單的規則把“蜂群民主”說清:1. 最小化組群領導者的影響力;2. 最大程度地尋找差異化解決方案;3. 用坦率批判的態度進行族群知識積纍;4. 用法定人數(quorum)方法達成共識;5. 組群成員相互之間分享興趣與尊重。
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