其著作多聚焦于科学、技术和创新领域,包括《涌现》(Emergence)、《幽灵地图》(The Ghost Map)等8部畅销书,被译成十多种语言,在全世界广为传播。
Where Good Ideas Come From 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1. 能量在生物体体内消耗的速度遵照一定的规律,这条规律也同样支配城市“生命系统”内的各个部件,比如,加油站的数量、汽油消耗情况、公路的宽窄、电缆的长度等。从能量消耗的情况来看,如果把大象比作一只“放大”的老鼠,那么城市就是一头“放大”的大象。 2. 如果一座城市...
评分作者的建议: 分享与合作打开创新之门。创造创新的工作场合、消费媒介的方式、扩增记忆容量。散步、培养直觉、记录每件事但保持文件夹凌乱;拥抱意外收获、犯生成性错误;拥有多种兴趣爱好;常去咖啡馆和其他液态网络;跟着连接走、让他人依赖你的创意;借用、循环、改造。建设...
评分约翰逊在《创意源自何处:发明的自然史》一书的开头讲述的是达尔文悖论:1836年,达尔文搭乘“猎犬号”轮船进行环球科学考察,他途中经过基林群岛,发现该岛的陆地上动植物种类非常贫乏,但岛上的珊瑚礁中生态群却非常繁盛。 第二节讲述了瑞士生物学家马克斯·克雷伯的发现:不...
评分牛顿被树上掉下来的苹果砸到了脑袋,灵机一动发现了万有引力;瓦特看到烧开水的水壶里冒出水蒸气,发明了蒸汽机;20出头的乔布斯和好搭档沃兹,在自家车库里开发出了第一代苹果个人电脑……伟大的创意总是横空出世,天才们总能跳出旧思想和僵化的传统,提出全新的想法。 除去这...
评分说实话,我不太明白这本书写的意义究竟是在哪里。感觉作者用大量的事例解释了一些大家都已经达成共识的观点。与其说他是在讲创新,不如把这本书当成发明史以及部分进化论科普读物更合适。可能是由于引用的事例 太多,使得全书的逻辑有些混乱。个人觉得这本书本身并没有什么值得...
图书标签: 思维 创新 科普 哲学 美国 科学 英文原版 Johnson
One of our most innovative, popular thinkers takes on-in exhilarating style-one of our key questions: Where do good ideas come from?
With Where Good Ideas Come From , Steven Johnson pairs the insight of his bestselling Everything Bad Is Good for You and the dazzling erudition of The Ghost Map and The Invention of Air to address an urgent and universal question: What sparks the flash of brilliance? How does groundbreaking innovation happen? Answering in his infectious, culturally omnivorous style, using his fluency in fields from neurobiology to popular culture, Johnson provides the complete, exciting, and encouraging story of how we generate the ideas that push our careers, our lives, our society, and our culture forward.
Beginning with Charles Darwin's first encounter with the teeming ecosystem of the coral reef and drawing connections to the intellectual hyperproductivity of modern megacities and to the instant success of YouTube, Johnson shows us that the question we need to ask is, What kind of environment fosters the development of good ideas? His answers are never less than revelatory, convincing, and inspiring as Johnson identifies the seven key principles to the genesis of such ideas, and traces them across time and disciplines.
Most exhilarating is Johnson's conclusion that with today's tools and environment, radical innovation is extraordinarily accessible to those who know how to cultivate it. Where Good Ideas Come From is essential reading for anyone who wants to know how to come up with tomorrow's great ideas.
还是complexity theory那个系列的
评分Chances favor the connected
评分To increase the adjacent possible: reading, talking, meeting, notes
评分变异有跳跃性-进化论的一个漏洞-不符合adjacent possible/很多时候还是要碰运气的,概率这种事情,基数大了就上去了/看过Scott E. Page 的书以后也不觉得有什么大惊小怪的了
评分可以跟反对网络的几本对比来看。youtube上有这本书的video, very nice
Where Good Ideas Come From 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书