Jeff Ma or Jeffrey Ma was a member of the MIT Blackjack Team in the mid-1990s. He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy. He attended MIT where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1994. He was the basis for the main character of the book Bringing Down the House (where he was renamed Kevin Lewis) and the film 21 (where he was renamed Ben Campbell). Ma also co-founded PROTRADE (a sports stock market website, that has since been shut down) and does consulting work for professional sports teams including the Portland Trail Blazers and San Francisco 49ers. He cofounded Citizen Sports, a sport-information website and iPhone application based in San Francisco, which was acquired by Yahoo! in May 2010.
His first book, The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big In Business, was published in July 2010 by Palgrave Macmillan. Ma is a regular speaker at corporate events and conferences where he talks about how to use data and analytics to make better business decisions.[5]
Ma makes a cameo in 21 as a blackjack dealer named Jeffery at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.[6][7] Jim Sturgess's character, Ben Campbell, refers to Jeffrey as, "my brother from another mother."
Ma is currently the CEO and Founder of tenXer, a San Francisco based startup, with the vision to "make work better and your work better"
The House Advantage 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《大概率思维》从一个惊心动魄又紧张的赌博(21点)真实故事中开始,故事结束,自己开始懊恼身为学渣的不思进取,虽然上学时从来没有讨厌过概率论这门课程,但是借着小聪明也没有认真学习,得过且过地及格通过,然后连课本都不知道丢到了哪里。 《大概率思维》作者马恺文被称为...
评分前段时间,同住一个小区的某位住户在小区门口的彩票站中了20万,虽然跟平日里媒体报道的百万、千万大奖相距甚远,但小区住户中仍不乏羡慕、懊悔者,羡慕人家的好运气,又懊悔自己没去买彩票,硬生生错过了捡钱的好机会。 整个小区住的基本都是我先生的同事,故也听得一些消息。...
评分或许,我应该称他为一本有趣的书。 之所以说他有趣,是因为这本书看上去是教你如何去赌博的书,而作者的职业在很多人看来也一位“职业赌徒”。 赌场真的会出老千吗?赌场为什么会那么赚钱呢?为什么赌场总是能赢呢? 赌场到底会不会出老千或许这个没有人能说得清楚。不过,通过...
评分2008年,美国上映了一部电影-------《[玩转21点]》。这部电影片讲的是6位来自美国顶级学府麻省理工学院的学生,在一位数学教授的指导下,跑到拉斯维加斯的赌场,通过“记牌”,在21点游戏中卷走了接近于数百万美元的现金。 听起来有些不可思议,这部电影的原型就来自于被称为“...
评分2008年,美国上映了一部电影-------《[玩转21点]》。这部电影片讲的是6位来自美国顶级学府麻省理工学院的学生,在一位数学教授的指导下,跑到拉斯维加斯的赌场,通过“记牌”,在21点游戏中卷走了接近于数百万美元的现金。 听起来有些不可思议,这部电影的原型就来自于被称为“...
图书标签: 概率 Maths Business
As part of the notorious MIT Team depicted in Ben Mezrich’s now classic Bringing Down the House , Jeff Ma used math and statistics to master the game of blackjack and reap handsome rewards at casinos. Years later, Ma has inspired not only a bestselling novel and hit movie, but has also started three different companies—the latest of which, Citizen Sports, is an innovative marriage of sports, betting, and digital technology—and launched a successful corporate speaking career. The House Advantage reveals Ma’s cutting-edge mathematical insights into the world of statistics and makes them applicable to a wide business audience. He argues that numbers are the key to analyzing nearly everything in the world of business, from how to spot and profit from global market inefficiencies to having multiple backup plans in anticipation of every probability. Ma’s stories and business lessons are as intriguing as they are universally applicable.
The House Advantage 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书