Christian Keur是Big Nerd Ranch的高级讲师和软件工程师,负责编写Big Nerd Ranch的“iOS新手培训课程”教材。该教材广受好评,是本书的原型。Christian毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院计算机科学系,目前居住在亚特兰大。
Aaron Hillegass是Big Nerd Ranch的创始人之一,曾就职于NeXT公司和Apple公司,他拥有近20年的Objective-C、Cocoa、iOS开发与教学经验。Aaron与他人合著了《Mac OS X编程》和《Objectibe-C编程》。
Joe Conway曾参与编写了“iOS新手培训课程”教材。他最近创办了stable/kernel 公司,开发高质量的移动应用。
iPhone Programming 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
第二版还是Xcode 4.1,和新版Xcode完全不是一个东西了。国内的引进速度实在是不敢恭维。 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了 抱歉,你的评论太短了
评分我读了好几遍,收获很大,向刚学iOS 的童鞋推荐这本书!翻译的也很流畅,果断推荐这本书。不错,哈哈 五星
评分如果你对编程这件事从来都没涉足过,这本书仍然会觉得吃力。 如果你编过程,但不熟悉面向对象(我就是),那么这本书中穿插了一些基本概念的介绍,这点还是挺好的。但是持保留意见的是作者介绍的方式。作者在开头也说了,好多概念他会一开始一带而过,有时是故意让读者产生一...
评分 京东现在部分地区买得到了,收到后感觉跟图上不太一样,有点粗糙,不知道是不是正版的。正在阅读中。有兴趣的可以在京东看看,价格跟当当亚马逊差不多,之前也是在当当亚马逊看的,等太久了,所以在京东找到了就买下了。对...
图书标签: iOS programming iphone 编程 object-c kindle iOS5 2012.6
Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular iPhone Bootcamp class, iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential tools and techniques for developing applications for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. In each chapter, you will learn programming concepts and apply them immediately as you build an application or enhance one from a previous chapter. These applications have been carefully designed and tested to teach the associated concepts and to provide practice working with the standard development tools Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments. The guide's learn-while-doing approach delivers the practical knowledge and experience you need to design and build real-world applications. Here are some of the topics covered: * Dynamic interfaces with animation * Using the camera and photo library * User location and mapping services * Accessing accelerometer data * Handling multi-touch gestures * Navigation and tabbed applications * Tables and creating custom rows * Multiple ways of storing and loading data: archiving, Core Data, SQLite * Communicating with web services * ALocalization/Internationalization"After many 'false starts' with other iPhone development books, these clear and concise tutorials made the concepts gel for me. This book is a definite must have for any budding iPhone developer." --Peter Watling, New Zealand, Developer of BubbleWrap
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评分读完才发现都出来了iOS 2nd 版了,再去拜读下。
评分读完才发现都出来了iOS 2nd 版了,再去拜读下。
评分读完才发现都出来了iOS 2nd 版了,再去拜读下。
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