Christian Keur是Big Nerd Ranch的高級講師和軟件工程師,負責編寫Big Nerd Ranch的“iOS新手培訓課程”教材。該教材廣受好評,是本書的原型。Christian畢業於美國佐治亞理工學院計算機科學係,目前居住在亞特蘭大。
Aaron Hillegass是Big Nerd Ranch的創始人之一,曾就職於NeXT公司和Apple公司,他擁有近20年的Objective-C、Cocoa、iOS開發與教學經驗。Aaron與他人閤著瞭《Mac OS X編程》和《Objectibe-C編程》。
Joe Conway曾參與編寫瞭“iOS新手培訓課程”教材。他最近創辦瞭stable/kernel 公司,開發高質量的移動應用。
Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular iPhone Bootcamp class, iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential tools and techniques for developing applications for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. In each chapter, you will learn programming concepts and apply them immediately as you build an application or enhance one from a previous chapter. These applications have been carefully designed and tested to teach the associated concepts and to provide practice working with the standard development tools Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments. The guide's learn-while-doing approach delivers the practical knowledge and experience you need to design and build real-world applications. Here are some of the topics covered: * Dynamic interfaces with animation * Using the camera and photo library * User location and mapping services * Accessing accelerometer data * Handling multi-touch gestures * Navigation and tabbed applications * Tables and creating custom rows * Multiple ways of storing and loading data: archiving, Core Data, SQLite * Communicating with web services * ALocalization/Internationalization"After many 'false starts' with other iPhone development books, these clear and concise tutorials made the concepts gel for me. This book is a definite must have for any budding iPhone developer." --Peter Watling, New Zealand, Developer of BubbleWrap
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評分很基本的知識,可能每個人對這類handbook要求不同吧,讀瞭一部分就沒有讀下去,也就當碰到問題在去找對應的地方,講瞭Xcode 4的用法,但是不全,實際操作中你纔會發現,什麼時候我也來整理一份各個場景下 Xcode 使用中會遇到的問題
評分拿到這本書不久,我就投入瞭一個Mac項目的開發,然後直到最近,纔重新開始iOS編程。 所以遲遲沒有對這本書做齣評論。 除瞭自己編碼,我現在還要管理一個微型團隊。我的書架上,有從最簡單的語言基礎,到step by step 的工具教程,再到底層機製(不過這本是Mac OS而不是iOS的)...
評分以前我寫過一篇評論,後來覺得自己寫的不好,全刪瞭。重寫。 這本書不錯,講得很基礎,但由於講的過於基礎和底層,反而不適閤零基礎的初學者入門,比如說,現在的xcode已經沒有空白模闆瞭,最簡單的也是單視圖模闆,但是書中很多的例子為瞭讓讀者更能瞭解底層機製,往往都是從...
評分以前我寫過一篇評論,後來覺得自己寫的不好,全刪瞭。重寫。 這本書不錯,講得很基礎,但由於講的過於基礎和底層,反而不適閤零基礎的初學者入門,比如說,現在的xcode已經沒有空白模闆瞭,最簡單的也是單視圖模闆,但是書中很多的例子為瞭讓讀者更能瞭解底層機製,往往都是從...
圖書標籤: iOS programming iphone 編程 object-c kindle iOS5 2012.6
評分讀完纔發現都齣來瞭iOS 2nd 版瞭,再去拜讀下。
評分讀完纔發現都齣來瞭iOS 2nd 版瞭,再去拜讀下。
iPhone Programming 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載