Up and Running With Node.js is a guide to Node.js aimed at giving you the combination of the background knowledge you need to use Node well, and the hands-on tutorials you need to get started fast.
While this initial release isn't a huge one, as we progress through the process of writing we are going to be periodically sharing drafts of the book with the community. We'd love to get your thoughts and feedback on what we are doing. I've based much of what I've written on the many Node talks I've given at conferences world-wide. I hope we can write the book that you need to make the most of the amazing platform Node.js offers, so all feedback is helpful.
This book introduces you to Node, the new web development framework written in JavaScript. You'll learn hands-on how Node makes life easier for experienced JavaScript developers: not only can you work on the front end and back end in the same language, you'll also have more flexibility in choosing how to divide application logic between client and server.
Written by a core contributor to the framework, Node: Up and Running shows you how Node scales up to support large numbers of simultaneous connections across multiple servers, and scales down to let you create quick one-off applications with minimal infrastructure. Built on the V8 JavaScript engine that runs Google Chrome, Node is already winning the hearts and minds of many companies, including Google and Yahoo! This book shows you why.
* Understand Node's event-loop architecture, non-blocking I/O, and event-driven programming
* Discover how Node supports a variety of database and data storage tools
* Learn best practices for writing easy-to-maintain code for Node
* Get concrete examples of how to use the various Node APIs in practice
* Take advantage of the book’s complete API reference
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Part 1是這本書最有價值的部分,介紹Node的一些機製,教你寫齣還可以的代碼。 入門比較的介紹比較簡單,適閤有點Node基礎的人。 不過Chapt 3 的 The Event Loop 部分拿現實中送信、訂餐的例子類比Node的事件循環機製,個人不喜歡這種類比講解,明明很清楚的東西講得不清不楚...
評分如果想學習node入門,甚至想用在生産綫上,建議讀下此書。可以幫助瞭解node工作原理和內幕,少走彎路。關於node的學習交流,也歡迎聯係我, 我是譯者,翻譯過程中,也學習到瞭不少之前不知道的內容。
評分文中提到“事件監聽器被調用的時候是在 EventEmitter 的上下文中,而不是在他們原始的位置。” 但就我的觀察,s(Server 的一個實例)的 output 迴調函數的上下文對象一直沒有改變啊。 先用 on 方法綁定在 s._events 對象上。 在用 emit 方法調用的時候,給 handler 賦值 this....
圖書標籤: node.js javascript NodeJS JavaScript O'Reilly 服務器端JavaScript 服務器 Node.js
評分part 1很實用,後麵跳過看看就好瞭。入門不錯
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