Bruce Barnbaum, of Granite Falls, WA, entered photography as a hobbyist in the 1960s, and after four decades, it is still his hobby. It has also been his life's work for the past 30 years.
Bruce's educational background includes Bachelor's and Master's degrees in mathematics from UCLA. After working for several years as a mathematical analyst and computer programmer for missile guidance systems, he abruptly left the field and turned to photography.
Bruce has authored several books, some of which have become classics. The Art of Photography was first published in 1994 and remained in print until 2007. Bruce has been self-publishing the book ever since, but with limited distribution (until now).
Bruce is a frequent contributor to several photography magazines. His series "The Master Printing Class" is featured in each issue of Photo Techniques, and his articles are published regularly in LensWork. Through his workshops, articles, lectures, books, and innovative photography, Bruce has become a well-known and highly-respected photographer, educator, and pioneer.
Bruce is recognized as one of the finest darkroom printers on this planet, both for his exceptional black and white work, as well as for his color imagery. He understands light to an extent rarely found, and combines this understanding with a mastery of composition, applying his knowledge to an extraordinarily wide range of subject matter. His work is represented by more than ten galleries throughout the United States and Canada, and is in the collections of museums and private collectors worldwide.
Bruce has been an active environmental advocate for more than three decades, both independently and through his involvement and leadership with organizations such as the Sierra Club, the National Audubon Society, the Stillaguamish Citizens' Alliance, 1000 Friends of Washington, and the North Cascades Conservation Council.
This is an updated and newly revised edition of the classic book The Art of Photography (originally published in 1994), which has often been described as the most readable, understandable, and complete textbook on photography. With well over 100 beautiful photographic illustrations in both black-and-white and color, as well as numerous charts, graphs, and tables, this book presents the world of photography to beginner, intermediate, and advanced photographers seeking to make a personal statement through the medium of photography. Without talking down to anyone, or talking over anyone's head, Barnbaum presents "how to" techniques for both traditional and digital approaches. Yet he goes well beyond the technical, as he delves deeply into the philosophical, expressive, and creative aspects of photography so often avoided in other books.
Bruce Barnbaum is recognized as one of the world's finest landscape and architectural photographers, and for decades has been considered one of the best instructors in the field of photography. This latest incarnation of his textbook, which has evolved, grown, and been refined over the past 35 years, will prove to be an ongoing, invaluable photographic reference for years to come. It is truly the resource of choice for the thinking photographer.
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一張優秀的片子早已把所有的話說清楚瞭,而不需要其他過多的詮釋。 當按下快門的瞬間,不僅僅是一個拍攝動作,更包含一係列思考。構圖的目的在於消除乾擾因素,有計劃的安排讀者視綫。強烈的反差可以增強視覺衝擊力,而低反差可以構造和諧安寜的氛圍;細膩的質感可以去誘發內在...
評分這本書裏講訴的大部分都和膠片攝影有關。 以前對膠片不剩瞭解,覺得大概就是拿著相機調好曝光然後拍拍拍。幸好沒有一時頭腦發熱買一個來玩,不然肯定是放著落灰。因為其事很復雜。 撇開攝影的藝術性不說,單從技術來講就好諸多要注意的地方。 這本書裏講的最讓我有所領悟的在於...
評分一張優秀的片子早已把所有的話說清楚瞭,而不需要其他過多的詮釋。 當按下快門的瞬間,不僅僅是一個拍攝動作,更包含一係列思考。構圖的目的在於消除乾擾因素,有計劃的安排讀者視綫。強烈的反差可以增強視覺衝擊力,而低反差可以構造和諧安寜的氛圍;細膩的質感可以去誘發內在...
評分(一)感想 拍攝時,應該思考的東西:想拍什麼?怎樣纔能拍齣想要的效果? 簡單的記錄就是:主題,背景,構圖比例和光影。色彩綫條形狀可做練習。 我喜歡捕捉動態的照片(有一定的肢體語言:展翅飛翔的鳥、撒沙子的男孩、有感染力的笑容) 機位、鏡頭、裁剪、快門時間、曝光時...
評分通嚮成功的麯徑萬韆條,而遵循內心的激情——這一條,邏輯異常清晰。孔子言:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。找到生命為之律動的所在,享受它,持之以恒,達到卓越。那麼,成功隻是附屬品。 在《攝影的藝術》一書中,作者Bruce反反復復講述的正是這個道理。 他說:「我從...
圖書標籤: 攝影 photography 藝術 美國 Photography 攝影理論
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