卡邁恩•加洛(Carmine Gallo) 全球暢銷書《喬布斯的魔力演講》作者,溝通專傢,艾美奬獲得者,《商業周刊》專欄作傢。為世界知名企業提供演講、媒體公關和溝通技巧方麵的培訓。多年在CNN、CNBC、CBS、ABC等廣播電視公司擔任新聞主播、節目主持人與商業采訪記者,並為《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》以及《投資者商業日報》等著名媒體撰稿。 《喬布斯的魔力演講》已經由中信齣版社齣版。
A "THINK DIFFERENT" APPROACH TO INNOVATION-- Based on the Seven Guiding Principles of Apple CEO Steve Jobs In his acclaimed bestseller The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs author Carmine Gallo laid out a simple step-by-step program of powerful tools and proven techniques inspired by Steve Jobs's legendary presentations. Now, he shares the Apple CEO's most famous, most original, and most effective strategies for sparking true creativity--and real innovation--in any workplace. THE INNOVATION SECRETS OF STEVE JOBS "Steve Jobs has reinvented music distribution, the mobile telephone, and book publishing. You might want to take a look at how someone creates multi-billion dollar ideas, and turns them into multi-billion dollar products that everyone loves and admires. This book is not an option. Buy it now, bank it tomorrow." -- Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling “In The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs , Carmine Gallo captures the true mindset of Jobs and Apple. This book is not just for the techie and marketing crowd, although they will gain valuable insight that can be applied to their worlds. It is also for anyone who loves technology and wants to understand how to createsimple devices that are easy to use and can impact our lives.” -- Tim Bajarin, president, Creative Strategies, Inc. "An inspiring roadmap for anyone who wants to live a life of passion and purpose."
-- Tony Hsieh, author of Delivering Happiness and CEO of Zappos.com, Inc. "Apple changed the world with the Mac and hasn't stopped innovating since. Carmine Gallo reveals the secrets and gives you the tools to unleash your inner Steve."
-- Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO of salesforce.com and author of the national bestseller Behind the Cloud Learn how to RETHINK your business, REINVENT your products, and REVITALIZE your vision of success--the Steve Jobs way. When it comes to innovation, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is legendary. His company slogan "Think Different" is more than a marketing tool. It's a way of life--a powerful, positive, game-changing approach to innovation that anyone can apply to any field of endeavor. These are the Seven Principles of Innovation, inspired by the master himself: Do What You Love.
Think differently about your career. Put a Dent in the Universe.
Think differently about your vision. Kick Start Your Brain.
Think differently about how you think. Sell Dreams, Not Products.
Think differently about your customers. Say No to 1,000 Things.
Think differently about design. Create Insanely Great Experiences.
Think differently about your brand experience. Master the Message.
Think differently about your story. By following Steve Jobs's visionary example, you'll discover exciting new ways to unlock your creative potential and to foster an environment that encourages innovation and allows it to flourish. You'll learn how to match—and beat—the most powerful competitors, develop the most revolutionary products, attract the most loyal customers, and thrive in the most challenging times. Bestselling business journalist Carmine Gallo has interviewed hundreds of successful professionals--from CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs to teachers, consultants, and stay-at-home moms—to get to the core of Steve Jobs's innovative philosophies. These are the simple, meaningful, and attainable principles that drive us all to "Think Different." These are The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs .
The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
嚮那些瘋狂的傢夥們緻敬, 他們特立獨行, 他們桀驚不遜, 他們惹事生非, 他們格格不入, 他們用與眾不同的眼光看待事物, 他們不喜歡墨守成規, 他們也不願安於現狀。 你可以贊美他們,引用他們,反對他們, 質疑他們,頌揚或是詆毀他們, 但唯獨不能漠視他們。 ...
評分這本書的關鍵詞隻有一個:innovation。而整本書幾乎以講故事的形式來呈現,確實也符閤外國人寫作風格。沒有那麼多關於創新的技巧、方法論等理論的東西。 創新? 我認為問題有兩個,創新思想如何來?創新的思想如何實現? 首先:如何來。 看本書,或者看過Jobs在...
評分暢銷書《喬布斯的魔力演講》作者的勵誌之作,不過《魔力演講》這本書我沒看過。 在《非同凡“想”》這本書,作者歸納瞭喬布斯創新的七項原則: 1、做自己喜歡的事。2、在這個世界留下印記。3、激活你的大腦。4、兜售夢想 而非産品。5、學會說“不”。6、創造神奇體驗。7、學會...
評分 評分我有個朋友Chris,一位在北京做動物保護公益的44歲美國人。他說,他總共為喬布斯哭過兩次——第二次是他離開我們那天,第一次是他當年在耶魯把用瞭快十年的PC換掉又買瞭一颱蘋果電腦,感受到蘋果的靈活、人性化,不禁為“相見恨晚”而哭泣。他說,喬布斯不是賣電腦的人,是...
圖書標籤: 喬布斯 innovation 創新 思維方法 business 成長 SteveJobs Management
What is innovation all about? It's about having the courage to think differently and sticking to it! Do you have what it takes?
評分Learning to think more innovatively like Steve Jobs.
評分Learning to think more innovatively like Steve Jobs.
The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載