戈登·漢普頓,聲音生態學傢,艾美奬獲奬錄音師。作品獲林白基金會、美國國傢藝術基金會,以及勞力士“雄纔偉略大奬”肯定。《時人》雜誌、公共電視網一部全國性電視紀錄片,以及漢普頓的新聲音紀錄係列“環境聲音畫像”,曾特彆報道他的聲音畫像。其公視紀錄片《消失的黎明大閤唱》為他贏 得艾美奬“傑齣個人成就奬”。目前居住在華盛頓州安吉利斯港。
In the visionary tradition of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, One Square Inch of Silence alerts us to beauty that we take for granted and sounds an urgent environmental alarm. Natural silence is our nation’s fastest-disappearing resource, warns Emmy-winning acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton, who has made it his mission to record and preserve it in all its variety—before these soul-soothing terrestrial soundscapes vanish completely in the ever-rising din of man-made noise. Recalling the great works on nature written by John Muir, John McPhee, and Peter Matthiessen, this beautifully written narrative, co-authored with John Grossmann, is also a quintessentially American story—a road trip across the continent from west to east in a 1964 VW bus. But no one has crossed America like this. Armed with his recording equipment and a decibel-measuring sound-level meter, Hempton bends an inquisitive and loving ear to the varied natural voices of the American landscape—bugling elk, trilling thrushes, and drumming, endangered prairie chickens. He is an equally patient and perceptive listener when talking with people he meets on his journey about the importance of quiet in their lives. By the time he reaches his destination, Washington, D.C., where he meets with federal officials to press his case for natural silence preservation, Hempton has produced a historic and unforgettable sonic record of America. With the incisiveness of Jack Kerouac’s observations on the road and the stirring wisdom of Robert Pirsig repairing an aging vehicle and his life, One Square Inch of Silence provides a moving call to action. More than simply a book, it is an actual place, too, located in one of America’s last naturally quiet places, in Olympic National Park in Washington State.
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因為知道颱灣聲景協會,纔發現原來還有這麼一群人在關注聲音的問題,然後就聽聞瞭《一平方英寸的寂靜》,趕緊藉來看看。 實話說,書寫得有點瑣碎,很多時候都看不下去,但不失是一本好書,因為它打開瞭我認識世界的另一扇窗口,開始關注到寂靜的意義。 以往,我對安靜的關注,...
評分錄音師 虛是不可沉浸 從高山望不見 從泥土觸不見 從睡眠悟不見 唯從靜中傾聽 鹿群在人跡罕至的溪邊低頭 小熊踩齣摘取黑莓的路 深林寂然 一層鳥鳴、一層葉聲、一層泉迂 自然中所有時刻的迴響 剝落幻覺,餘下屏息 順從,是喧囂中提取的靜謐 你的抵抗,以低分貝忘卻動作 孤獨地...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 寂靜 要讀 自然 landscape 隨筆 英文版 英文 自然文學-博物書單
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