The Individualization of Chinese Society 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
本书的主要视角是中国农村,其在社会变革中发生的一些变化。 建国以前,人们的生活身份是“某一家族的一员”,个体因“家族”而存在,因家族而被尊重或被奴役。可以说,人们生活在“祖荫”下。我的身份是:x家的儿子 而建国后,打到封建残余以及“社会主义化”的生活方式使得大...
评分个体化的五个纬度—— 1.个体化的制度条件 2.个体化的能动性和自主性 3.国家在个体化中的强势角色【关键性作用】 ①改革开放打破了过去的权力体系,在制度上为个体的崛起创造了条件 ②国家不仅在个体的发展方面发挥了重要作用,而且通过划定界限和制定规范来管理个体化进程。农...
评分语言晓畅,可读性非常高。截取几个片段从个体化角度阐述了中国非集体化以来的变革。 尤其在刚走上社会,对一些现象开始初步认识的此时,更有拨云见日,抚掌击节之叹。 我原先以为中国社会阶层板结始于九十年代利益调整和腐败日益严重后。然而实际在农村非集体化后在职干部通过...
评分整本书构成了一篇巨大的论文,而其中的每一章又是相对独立的大论文,整个结构既相互独立,又相互联系。论文的内容像是通过讲故事来向大家展示中国社会个体化的一个发展过程。 这是第一次没有强迫的看论文,反而收获了很多。这本书可以当做是对中国三四十年代到近代的...
图书标签: 人类学 阎云翔 中國研究 社会学 研究相关 Anthropology
Chinese society has seen phenomenal change in the last 30 years. Two of the most profound changes have been the rise of the individual in both public and private spheres and the consequent individualisation of Chinese society itself. Yet, despite China's recent dramatic entrance into global politics and economics, neither of these significant shifts has been fully analysed. China presents an alternative model of social transformation in the age of globalisation; therefore, its path to development may have particular implications for the developing world.
The Individualization of Chinese Society reveals how individual agency has been on the rise since the 1970s and how this has affected everyday life and Chinese society more broadly. The book presents a wide range of detailed case studies focusing on the impact of economic policy, patterns of kinship, changes in marriage relations and the socio-economic position of women, the development of youth culture, the politics of consumerism, and shifting power relations in everyday life.
Exploring the rise of the individual in both rural and urban settings, The Individualization of Chinese Society provides a detailed overview of this major social phenomenon and its wider implications.
The Individualization of Chinese Society 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书