盖瑞•查普曼博士(Dr.Gary Chapman)是享誉全球的婚恋辅导专家,他的代表作《爱的五种语言》曾长时间高居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜榜首,全球热销400多万册。查普曼博士具有丰富的辅导经验和专业的辅导技巧,在美国各地举办婚姻研习会,定期为已婚者做婚姻辅导,他的讲座和书籍改变了无数人的家庭生活。他也是国内已经翻译出版的畅销书《爱的五种语言》及《儿童爱之语》《单身爱之语》《心灵之约》《道歉的五种语言》等书的作者。
Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
#《但愿婚前我知道》# 这本书真的写得特别好!!!强烈推荐大家都去看!!!无论单身、恋爱中、准备结婚甚至已经结婚了的,我觉得都可以去看看!虽然前言提醒说有少量跟我们的生活背景不同的文化元素,但是作为天主教徒阅读起来没有障碍,基本都是一样的。一直都知道现在的离婚...
评分我相信没有人能在结婚前就做好十分的准备,毕竟人的很多方面是在共同生活一段时间后才能被了解的。但是,这不妨碍我们尽可能多地做好准备——了解自己、了解对方、了解对方的原生家庭。 1.光有passion是不够的 2.了解自己和对方的爱语(肯定的言语、服务的行动、接受礼物、精心...
评分 评分 评分因为自己到了要考虑恋爱、结婚的事情, 同时,看到朋友因为感情的事情,受到的伤害, 想在空余时间看书, 通过亚马逊买到了, 花了3次分段时间看完了 很值得推荐的一本书, 虽然是美国人写的, 虽然有一些信仰和中国人有差异, 除此之外,基本相同, 信仰的差异也可以看到原理...
图书标签: Relationship 心理学 婚恋 生活 两性 科普 社科 婚前须知
Gary Chapman writes, "Most people spend far more time in preparation for their vocation than they do in preparation for marriage." No wonder the divorce rate hovers around fifty percent. Bestselling author and marriage counselor Gary Chapman hopes to change that with his newest book. Gary, with more than 35 years of counseling couples, believes that divorce is the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn the skills of working together as intimate teammates. So he put together this practical little book, packed with wisdom and tips that will help many develop the loving, supportive and mutually beneficial marriage men and women long for. It's the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married. This is not a book simply to be read. It is a book to be experienced. The material lends itself to heart-felt discussions by dating or engaged couples. To jump-start the exchanges, each short chapter includes insightful "Talking it Over" questions and suggestions. And, the book includes information on interactive websites as well as books that will enhance the couples experience.Dr. Chapman even includes a thought-provoking appendix. By understanding and balancing the five key aspects of life, dating couples can experience a healthy dating relationship. A revealing learning exercise for dating couples is included at the end.
Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书