Creative Evolution (1907) is the text that made Bergson world-famous. It established him as the pre-eminent European philosopher for the next 10 years, influencing the course of intellectual development not only in philosophical circles but also in literature and the arts. For many, it became the central theoretical work for the first half of the Twentieth-Century, and it is arguable that it established the concept of time and its avatars (freedom, difference, creativity, the new), as the highest philosophical values for the next century of French thought. In this monumental work, Bergson takes the special theory of duration developed through Time and Free Will and Matter and Memory in the field of mind, and generalises it into a cosmology of life and matter in the field of evolution, of change in biological life. Tackling the concepts of evolution current at the time, Bergson shows how both mechanistic (Neo-Darwinian) and finalist (Neo-Lamarckian) theories of evolution fail to account for the diverse creativity of nature, especially speciation. In response, Bergson argues for a theory of non-teleological, non-gradualist dissociative speciation immanent within all evolutionary change: the famous concept of the elan vital that, far from being an obscure, spiritual substance underlying organic matter, is simply the kind of creative temporality specific to all living entities. This general theory of biological duration is also applied to a theory of knowledge (or evolutionary epistemology), Bergson showing how even the problems of philosophy (or order and disorder, of being and nothingness), have their origins in a theory of creative life. This new, critical edition uses the original, authorised translation by Arthur Mitchell, adding a guide to further reading and a new introduction by Bergson scholar Keith Ansell Pearson. It also has a glossary of biological terms, biographical synopses, and other helpful material for readers, proving that Bergson's concept of vital creativity still has pertinence for both the latest developments in contemporary evolutionary theory and philosophy.
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柏格森的進化論,準確地講,並不是evolution,而是transformism,演變論。他不想在細緻地考察生物之演變中夾雜哪怕一丁點的人為設想。 他對前輩們的批評,集中在:用“機械論”“目的論”等觀念來分解、描述生命的演變,不能真實地考察生命演變,因為做完分解的工作之後,就隻...
評分這個譯本佶屈聱牙,有許多不通的地方,據天涯網友介紹,薑翻譯的錯誤很多,這是原貼[] 。不過就如薑本人所迴應的,翻譯確實有許多難處,照原文翻,漢語讀者可能會有不理解之處,意翻又容易摻雜譯者的理解。期待將來能有一個更好...
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評分這個譯本佶屈聱牙,有許多不通的地方,據天涯網友介紹,薑翻譯的錯誤很多,這是原貼[] 。不過就如薑本人所迴應的,翻譯確實有許多難處,照原文翻,漢語讀者可能會有不理解之處,意翻又容易摻雜譯者的理解。期待將來能有一個更好...
圖書標籤: Bergson metaphysics Continental Philosophy Henri
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