格雷戈里 S.保罗 学者,艺术家。他是包括《侏罗纪公园》在内的诸多电影和纪录片的首席恐龙复原师,复原了中生代生物的“新形象”。保罗著有《掠食恐龙的世界》、《科学美国人图书之恐龙篇》、《飞龙在天》等。他的作品同样在《科学美国人》、《自然》、《纽约时报》等诸多出版物中发表。
邢立达,青年古生物学者,科普作家。1982年生于广东潮州,高中时期便创建中国大陆第一个恐龙网站。在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学取得古生物学硕士学位,师从著名古生物学家Philip J. Currie,目前在中国地质大学(北京)攻读博士学位。中国科普作家协会会员,出版过一批古生物科普书籍,并多次在CCTV各频道为公众介绍古生物知识。
The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
古生物界俗话说的好:保罗霍纳,得一可乱学术。 开个玩笑,作为神奇保罗在天朝古生物爱好者心中最经典的书,这本引进的有点晚了(感谢达达翻译),看各路研究大神科普爱好者的意见这本书算是毁誉参半吧。骨骼图相当精美,不过有些地方老司机能一眼找到错误,有些理论和分类方面...
评分古生物界俗话说的好:保罗霍纳,得一可乱学术。 开个玩笑,作为神奇保罗在天朝古生物爱好者心中最经典的书,这本引进的有点晚了(感谢达达翻译),看各路研究大神科普爱好者的意见这本书算是毁誉参半吧。骨骼图相当精美,不过有些地方老司机能一眼找到错误,有些理论和分类方面...
评分古生物界俗话说的好:保罗霍纳,得一可乱学术。 开个玩笑,作为神奇保罗在天朝古生物爱好者心中最经典的书,这本引进的有点晚了(感谢达达翻译),看各路研究大神科普爱好者的意见这本书算是毁誉参半吧。骨骼图相当精美,不过有些地方老司机能一眼找到错误,有些理论和分类方面...
评分古生物界俗话说的好:保罗霍纳,得一可乱学术。 开个玩笑,作为神奇保罗在天朝古生物爱好者心中最经典的书,这本引进的有点晚了(感谢达达翻译),看各路研究大神科普爱好者的意见这本书算是毁誉参半吧。骨骼图相当精美,不过有些地方老司机能一眼找到错误,有些理论和分类方面...
评分古生物界俗话说的好:保罗霍纳,得一可乱学术。 开个玩笑,作为神奇保罗在天朝古生物爱好者心中最经典的书,这本引进的有点晚了(感谢达达翻译),看各路研究大神科普爱好者的意见这本书算是毁誉参半吧。骨骼图相当精美,不过有些地方老司机能一眼找到错误,有些理论和分类方面...
图书标签: 恐龙 自然图鉴 图鉴 美国 图籍 生物学 dinosaurs
This lavishly illustrated volume is the first authoritative dinosaur book in the style of a field guide. World-renowned dinosaur illustrator and researcher Gregory Paul provides comprehensive visual and textual coverage of the great Mesozoic animals that gave rise to the living dinosaurs, the birds. Incorporating the new discoveries and research that are radically transforming what we know about dinosaurs, this book is distinguished both by its scientific accuracy and the quality and quantity of its illustrations. It presents thorough descriptions of more than 735 dinosaur species and features more than 600 color and black-and-white images, including unique skeletal drawings, 'life' studies, and scenic views - illustrations that depict the full range of dinosaurs, from small, feathered creatures to whale-sized supersauropods. Heavily illustrated species accounts of the major dinosaur groups are preceded by an extensive introduction that covers dinosaur history and biology, the extinction of nonavian dinosaurs, the origin of birds, and the history of dinosaur paleontology - and that also gives a taste of what it might be like to travel back to the time of the dinosaurs. "The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs" is a must-have for anyone who loves dinosaurs, from the amateur enthusiast to the professional paleontologist. The first authoritative field guide to dinosaurs, it covers more than 735 species. It is a beautiful, large-format volume. It is lavishly illustrated throughout, with more than 600 color and black-and-white drawings and figures, including: more than 130 color life studies, including scenic views; close to 450 skeletal, skull, head, and muscle drawings; 8 color paleo-distribution maps; and, color timeline. It describes anatomy, physiology, locomotion, reproduction, and growth of dinosaurs, as well as the origin of birds and the extinction of nonavian dinosaurs.
评分神奇三剑客之神奇保罗的书,超漂亮的复原,但里面很多作者自己的理论不是很被主流认同吧,拿来娱乐一下读一读还是可以的呃 哦出的第二版我也买了,加了不少近年发现的新属种,就是有点小贵
The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书