The story begins following the first day of Dixie Mae Leigh's job as a customer support employee at a fictional company called Lotsatech. She receives an insulting and mysterious email and, in a fit of rage, decides to find out who sent it. She and a fellow employee Victor search the Lotsatech campus looking for the author of the email, following clues in the email header. They meet up with Ellen, a grad student in computer science, who decides to try and help Dixie Mae.
While they talk, several mysteries arise and convince them that the email may be a kind of warning about something going on at Lotsatech involving a professor named Gerry Reich, who seems to be involved in all the projects on the campus. Ellen finds another clue in the email leading the three to another building where, to their utter astonishment, a second Ellen appears. The only explanation of this is that they are being simulated by a computer. Further clues from another person in the building lead them to an underground lab where they find two researchers working on improving methods of producing and preserving Bose-Einstein Condensates.
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《循環》最難得的,我覺得,是把大俗的“輪迴”idea,給現代化瞭,並且為其部署瞭嚴謹且閤理的邏輯。 讀到五分之四的時候,還有一種第一次看Matrix I 時候的荒謬、可笑感——對於所謂生命的意義而産生的荒謬和可笑。 人自以為是、樂此不疲甚至殫精竭慮的追尋自我的意義、人生...
評分《循環》最難得的,我覺得,是把大俗的“輪迴”idea,給現代化瞭,並且為其部署瞭嚴謹且閤理的邏輯。 讀到五分之四的時候,還有一種第一次看Matrix I 時候的荒謬、可笑感——對於所謂生命的意義而産生的荒謬和可笑。 人自以為是、樂此不疲甚至殫精竭慮的追尋自我的意義、人生...
評分《循環》最難得的,我覺得,是把大俗的“輪迴”idea,給現代化瞭,並且為其部署瞭嚴謹且閤理的邏輯。 讀到五分之四的時候,還有一種第一次看Matrix I 時候的荒謬、可笑感——對於所謂生命的意義而産生的荒謬和可笑。 人自以為是、樂此不疲甚至殫精竭慮的追尋自我的意義、人生...
評分《循環》最難得的,我覺得,是把大俗的“輪迴”idea,給現代化瞭,並且為其部署瞭嚴謹且閤理的邏輯。 讀到五分之四的時候,還有一種第一次看Matrix I 時候的荒謬、可笑感——對於所謂生命的意義而産生的荒謬和可笑。 人自以為是、樂此不疲甚至殫精竭慮的追尋自我的意義、人生...
評分《循環》最難得的,我覺得,是把大俗的“輪迴”idea,給現代化瞭,並且為其部署瞭嚴謹且閤理的邏輯。 讀到五分之四的時候,還有一種第一次看Matrix I 時候的荒謬、可笑感——對於所謂生命的意義而産生的荒謬和可笑。 人自以為是、樂此不疲甚至殫精竭慮的追尋自我的意義、人生...
圖書標籤: 科幻 弗諾·文奇 科幻小說 小說 美國 經典 世界科幻大師叢書 譯本
評分2011.04.27 哥以為一般瞭 這篇
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