亞曆山大•沃(Alexander Waugh),英國作傢、BBC音樂評論傢,同時兼具作麯傢、電視節目主持人等身份。係齣名門,伊芙琳•沃之孫,奧柏林•沃之子,長期為英國《星期天郵報》和《倫敦晚報》撰寫歌劇評論,還做齣版、畫漫畫,作麯曾經獲奬。著有《古典樂:一種新的聆聽方式》(1995),《歌劇:一種新的聆聽方式》(1996),《父與子》(2004)等作品。
The House of Wittgenstein is the grand saga of a brilliant and tragic Viennese family whose members included a famous philosopher and the world's greatest one-handed classical pianist.
The Wittgenstein family was one of the wealthiest, most talented, and most eccentric in European history, held together by a fanatical love of music yet torn apart by money, madness, conflicts of loyalty, and the upheaval of two world wars. Of the eight children, three committed suicide; Paul lost an arm in the war and yet stubbornly pursued a musical career; and Ludwig, the odd youngest son, is now regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century. Alexander Waugh, author of the acclaimed memoir Fathers and Sons and himself the offspring of a famous and eccentric family, tells their baroque tale with a novelistic richness to rival Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks .
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評分猶太問題與維特根斯坦傢族 文:徐兆正 編輯:程曉筠 人類問題、猶太人問題與維特根斯坦傢族的問題是一個逐層涵蓋而大小不同的同心圓。最大的那個圓代錶人類問題,猶太人問題因意指等級製度的極端錶現而介於兩者之間,維特根斯坦之傢則是最小同時也是最清晰的小圓,它體現瞭...
評分在世紀末維也納富麗堂皇的鼕宮 裏生活舒適安逸的維特根斯坦傢族很難說是模範傢庭。傢長卡爾是個殘暴的獨裁者和上層社會的騙子,在職業上說是個工程師。他兒子路德維希(Ludwig)曾在曼徹斯特大學進行過獨創性的航空工程空氣動力學研究。作為非常富有的鋼鐵大亨的卡爾操縱鋼鐵...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 外國文學 Wittgenstein
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