Frédéric Chaubin has been, for the last fifteen years, editor-in-chief of the French lifestyle magazine Citizen K. Since 2000 he has regularly featured works combining text and photography. The CCCP collection research was carried out from 2003 to 2010, through an intuitive and creative travel process. This project has been shown throughout the world, from Japan to the United States.
Ideological dreams
The fourth and final age of Soviet architecture
Photographer Frédéric Chaubin reveals 90 buildings sited in fourteen former Soviet Republics which express what he considers to be the fourth age of Soviet architecture. His poetic pictures reveal an unexpected rebirth of imagination, an unknown burgeoning that took place from 1970 until 1990. Contrary to the 1920s and 1950s, no “school” or main trend emerges here. These buildings represent a chaotic impulse brought about by a decaying system. Their diversity announced the end of the Soviet Union.
Taking advantage of the collapsing monolithic structure, the holes in the widening net, architects went far beyond modernism, going back to the roots or freely innovating. Some of the daring ones completed projects that the Constructivists would have dreamt of (Druzhba Sanatorium, Yalta), others expressed their imagination in an expressionist way (Palace of Weddings, Tbilisi). A summer camp, inspired by sketches of a prototype lunar base, lays claim to Suprematist influence (Prometheus youth camp, Bogatyr). Then comes the "speaking architecture" widespread in the last years of the USSR: a crematorium adorned with concrete flames (Crematorium, Kiev), a technological institute with a flying saucer crashed on the roof (Institute of Scientific Research, Kiev), a political center watching you like Big Brother (House of Soviets, Kaliningrad). This puzzle of styles testifies to all the ideological dreams of the period, from the obsession with the cosmos to the rebirth of identity. It also outlines the geography of the USSR, showing how local influences made their exotic twists before the country was brought to its end.
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自從現代主義一齣現,它就宣布瞭古代、近代所有經過人類社會總結、驗證的,過往的一切理論、經典將要瓦解、正在瓦解、已經瓦解。崩塌開始瞭。 當經典在各種藝術運動的催發之下一再被瓦解,當各藝術運動為瞭探索新的當下與未來,而宣布之前的藝術運動死亡之時,瓦解的目的本身...
評分自從現代主義一齣現,它就宣布瞭古代、近代所有經過人類社會總結、驗證的,過往的一切理論、經典將要瓦解、正在瓦解、已經瓦解。崩塌開始瞭。 當經典在各種藝術運動的催發之下一再被瓦解,當各藝術運動為瞭探索新的當下與未來,而宣布之前的藝術運動死亡之時,瓦解的目的本身...
評分自從現代主義一齣現,它就宣布瞭古代、近代所有經過人類社會總結、驗證的,過往的一切理論、經典將要瓦解、正在瓦解、已經瓦解。崩塌開始瞭。 當經典在各種藝術運動的催發之下一再被瓦解,當各藝術運動為瞭探索新的當下與未來,而宣布之前的藝術運動死亡之時,瓦解的目的本身...
評分自從現代主義一齣現,它就宣布瞭古代、近代所有經過人類社會總結、驗證的,過往的一切理論、經典將要瓦解、正在瓦解、已經瓦解。崩塌開始瞭。 當經典在各種藝術運動的催發之下一再被瓦解,當各藝術運動為瞭探索新的當下與未來,而宣布之前的藝術運動死亡之時,瓦解的目的本身...
評分自從現代主義一齣現,它就宣布瞭古代、近代所有經過人類社會總結、驗證的,過往的一切理論、經典將要瓦解、正在瓦解、已經瓦解。崩塌開始瞭。 當經典在各種藝術運動的催發之下一再被瓦解,當各藝術運動為瞭探索新的當下與未來,而宣布之前的藝術運動死亡之時,瓦解的目的本身...
圖書標籤: 建築 蘇聯 社會主義 攝影 蘇聯:宇宙般的共産主義建築攝影集 建築係 蘇俄 曆史
評分2003年起,法國人Frédéric Chaubin進入前蘇聯境內,使用中畫幅和大畫幅相機拍攝一係列前蘇聯遺存的建築。宮殿、部委大樓、高等學院、度假中心、政治雕塑……這些多數誕生於1970年代的建築在蘇聯解體後命運各異,有的被收購,有的被荒廢,有的則成為旅遊景點,成為前蘇聯這個龐然大物曾經存在的見證。 這些被稱為未來主義、粗野主義的建築,因其巨大的體量、奇異的造型、不容置疑的力量感而震懾今日的觀眾,它們如此霸道,如此具有壓迫性,但又在荒蕪中逐漸散發頹廢的科幻詩意。 看到這些建築引起的贊嘆,有時候遠甚於看同時代西方現代主義建築大師們的作品。因為早在那個時代,蘇聯人就已經創造瞭未來。
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