Paul Rouzer is Preceptor of Literary Chinese at Harvard University
This volume analyzes the representation of gender and desire in elite, male-authored literary texts in China dating from roughly 200 b.c. until 1000 a.d. Above all, it discusses the intimate relationship between the representation of gender and the political and social self-representations of elite men and shows where gender and social hierarchies cross paths. Rouzer argues that when male authors articulated themselves as women, the resulting articulation was inevitably influenced by this act of identification. Articulated women are always located within a non-existent liminal space between ostensible object and ostensible subject, a focus of textual desire both through possession and through identification. Nor, in male-authored texts, is this articulation ever fully resolved--the potential of multiple interpretations is continually present.
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圖書標籤: 女性 Gender 社會性彆 古典文學 論著 的 海外漢學 海外中國研究
評分@知識分母丫丫媽 這個給你
評分探索gender和political hierarchy之間的映照和交叉,大方嚮很有啓發,在文本的翻譯和整理上也下瞭很多功夫。但除瞭再次印證性彆為文人構建自我身份服務以外,似乎並沒有更多理論上的新意。
評分探索gender和political hierarchy之間的映照和交叉,大方嚮很有啓發,在文本的翻譯和整理上也下瞭很多功夫。但除瞭再次印證性彆為文人構建自我身份服務以外,似乎並沒有更多理論上的新意。
評分基本是沿著Girard和師太的思路走,有點用力過猛。把性彆結構和過分簡化的權力結構綁定在一起,反而導緻解讀非常機械而迂麯,第二章的強為之言尤其明顯。如果說宋以前關於女性的書寫最終都僅僅服務於男性文人的自我建構的話,那麼這本書也不一定非得從女性著眼,畢竟如Rouzer本人所說,“reading the social in the sexual”,在這本以性彆自我標榜的書中,女性被去性彆化瞭(男性也同樣不僅僅是一個性彆概念,相反,文人二字似乎比性彆重要得多),並且似乎可以與其他寫作對象任意置換。而本書也確實有這樣的傾嚮,清談與大謝的山水無一不是如此。排版不是特彆友好,獨立成段的引文和正文不太分得清楚。Anne Shields對花間集的討論可以對最後的柳永一段作補充。
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