Rites of Belonging 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 马来西亚 移民 社区 白瑾 民间宗教 宗教 华人社区 华人宗教
In what is today Malaysia, the British established George Town on Penang Island in 1786, and encouraged Chinese merchants and laborers to migrate to this vibrant trading port. In the multicultural urban settlement that developed, the Chinese immigrants organized their social life through community temples like the Guanyin Temple (Kong Hok Palace) and their secret sworn brotherhoods. These community associations assumed exceptional importance precisely because they were a means to establish a social presence for the Chinese immigrants, to organize their social life, and to display their economic prowess. The Confucian "cult of memory" also took on new meanings in the early twentieth century as a form of racial pride. In twentieth-century Penang, religious practices and events continued to draw the boundaries of belonging in the idiom of the sacred.
Part I of Rites of Belonging focuses on the conjuncture between Chinese and British in colonial Penang. The author closely analyzes the 1857 Guanyin Temple Riots and conflicts leading to the suppression of the Chinese sworn brotherhoods. Part II investigates the conjuncture between Chinese and Malays in contemporary Malaysia, and the revitalization in the 1970s and 1980s of Chinese popular religious culture.
评分购于槟城。从英殖和后殖民NEP马来民族主义政策到现代化,华人经济地位越来越突出, 在政治地位相对压迫下,华人的仪式在演变。重新虚构历史建立几个地下帮派,如天地会,义兴,海山等, 获得一些保护和权益。通过兴建华人地标和祠庙,节日仪式筹款,聚众联络,获取社会荣耀和种族认同,书里提及了很多民俗和被重新发明的民俗颇为有趣, 儒道佛萨满一应俱全,十分功能。随着时政变化,华人学校也是一个新的保留发展华人文化的点。 在槟城特意去过好几个祠堂/公司/寺庙,新旅游业似乎刻意抹去了这些隐蔽的历史,更多宣扬是血缘, 家族姓氏和单纯宗教,后面也发展出了很多协会和公共组织。这些也是回来读此书才知道,与四川袍哥风俗有一点相似,只是处于不同的空间和条件下后续大不同了。
Rites of Belonging 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书