戴維·锡德 英國學者、文學批評傢,利物浦大學教授。多年從事科幻教學與研究工作,主要研究領域為科幻作品、冷戰文化、間諜小說,以及文學與電影的關係。著有《美國科幻與冷戰》(1999)、《電影小說》(2011)、《陰影之下:原子彈與冷戰敘事》(2013)、《雷•布 拉德伯裏》(2015)等研究專著,編有《科幻小說指南》(2005)等文集。
Considers the emergence of science fiction as a popular genre in the 20th century
Looks at the ways in which changes in science and technology affect human perception and behaviour
Explores science fiction in film and literature and compares the two media
Considers the wider social and political issues raised by science fiction writers
Looks at a wide range of science fiction in literature, drama, poetry, and film
Explores science fiction as a global phenomenon that constantly evolves and changes in times of rapid technological and political change
Science Fiction has proved notoriously difficult to define. It has been explained as a combination of romance, science and prophecy; as a genre based on an imagined alternative to the reader's environment; and as a form of fantastic fiction and historical literature.
It has also been argued that science fiction narratives are the most engaged, socially relevant, and responsive to the modern technological environment. This Very Short Introduction doesn't offer a history of science fiction, but instead ties examples of science fiction to different historical moments, in order to demonstrate how science fiction has evolved over time.
David Seed looks not only at literature, but also at drama and poetry, as well as film. Examining recurrent themes in science fiction he looks at voyages into space, the concept of the alien and alternative social identities, the role of technology in science fiction, and its relation to time - in the past, present, and future.
Readership: General readers interested in science fiction, students of literature, film, and culture.
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這本牛津通識讀本在介紹科幻小說,書中包括瞭科幻小說的發展曆史,科幻作品的分類,科幻小說與現實世界的聯係等。當然,讀完全書後給我留下印象最深的,就是科幻小說往往是對現實世界的忠實反映和真切記錄。 觀察自上世紀後齣現的關於異族入侵的科幻小說,幾乎無一例外,都會和...
評分«科幻作品»不是一部科幻小說發展史,也並非按照時間綫來講述科幻作品,而是著眼於科幻作品的內容,將科幻作品分為“太空漫遊”、“遭遇異族”、“科幻與技術”、“烏托邦與敵托邦”和“時間的小說”等幾個領域,簡略介紹瞭這些領域內科幻作品的內容、起源、背景和發展。 ...
評分文/吳情 在信息社會,城市中齣生、長大的一代人,想必對科幻不會陌生。即便沒有看過科幻原著,至少也在大熒幕上看過不少好萊塢大片——災難片、末日片、外星人係列等。電影助力文學,我們似乎迎來瞭一個屬於科幻的時代。前一段時期,根據加拿大“文學女王”瑪格麗特·阿特伍德...
評分«科幻作品»不是一部科幻小說發展史,也並非按照時間綫來講述科幻作品,而是著眼於科幻作品的內容,將科幻作品分為“太空漫遊”、“遭遇異族”、“科幻與技術”、“烏托邦與敵托邦”和“時間的小說”等幾個領域,簡略介紹瞭這些領域內科幻作品的內容、起源、背景和發展。 ...
評分«科幻作品»不是一部科幻小說發展史,也並非按照時間綫來講述科幻作品,而是著眼於科幻作品的內容,將科幻作品分為“太空漫遊”、“遭遇異族”、“科幻與技術”、“烏托邦與敵托邦”和“時間的小說”等幾個領域,簡略介紹瞭這些領域內科幻作品的內容、起源、背景和發展。 ...
圖書標籤: VSI 科幻研究 科幻 SF 科幻理論 牛津通識讀本 英文原版 科普
評分信息量太大,小小一本100多頁的書看瞭一個多禮拜。快趕上老爸的速度瞭,那時候他們都調侃他,不是在看書是在背書。現在整理齣10幾頁的摘要,明天見老闆之前還要寫成3頁以內文理通順的讀書報告。Alright, let's burn some midnight oil!
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