珍妮特·沃爾斯(Jeannette Walls),美國著名記者。撰有《閑聊:流言世界的內幕》、《閑聊:流言如何變成新聞,新聞怎樣成為另一場秀》等書。2005年齣版迴憶錄《玻璃城堡》,首次公開自己鮮為人知、與眾不同的傢庭背景和成長經曆,憑藉此書蜚聲文壇。
現與丈夫約翰·泰勒(John Taylor)長住紐約城和長島。
This is a startling memoir of a successful journalist's journey from the deserted and dusty mining towns of the American Southwest, to an antique filled apartment on Park Avenue. Jeanette Walls narrates her nomadic and adventurous childhood with her dreaming, 'brilliant' but alcoholic parents. At the age of seventeen she escapes on a Greyhound bus to New York with her older sister; her younger siblings follow later. After pursuing the education and civilisation her parents sought to escape, Jeanette eventually succeeds in her quest for the 'mundane, middle class existence' she had always craved. In her apartment, overlooked by 'a portrait of someone else's ancestor' she recounts poignant remembered images of star watching with her father, juxtaposed with recollections of irregular meals, accidents and police-car chases and reveals her complex feelings of shame, guilt, pity and pride toward her parents.
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評分 評分很早就一直盼著這本書《玻璃城堡》,最早是在潔塵的blog裏,看到她的日誌裏說新看完的書,當時四處找,都沒有找到,國慶前,chris說99讀書網上有賣,哈哈,果真呢,立馬買迴來,說真的,剛翻起,就忍不住一口氣讀下去,讀下去…… 玻璃城堡,這是怎樣的一傢,可愛,古怪的爸...
評分1. Jeannette Walls的這本迴憶錄《玻璃城堡》(The Glass Castle),其實容納的是四個孩子艱難而顛沛的童年生活。大部分的時候,Lori、Jeannette、Brain和Maureen跟著他們的父母Rex Walls和Rose Mary睡在紙箱子裏,睡在破舊的轎車裏,睡在寒冷的地下室裏,睡在沒有陽光的廉價...
評分Ever since I covered the first several pages of this memoir, I decided I would write something for this book, not only for the miserable childhood Jeanette and her siblings came through, but also, for the toughness they displayed facing the unfairness that ...
圖書標籤: 成長 美國 紀實 外文 城堡 傳記
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