1944: Daniel, a soldier, legendary among the Norwegians fighting the advance of Bolshevism on the Russian front, is killed. Two years later, a wounded soldier wakes up in a Vienna hospital. He becomes involved with a young nurse, the consequences of which will ripple forward to the turn of the next century.
1999: Harry Hole, alone again after having caused an embarrassment in the line of duty, has been promoted to inspector and is lumbered with surveillance duties. He is assigned the task of monitoring neo-Nazi activities; fairly mundane until a report of a rare and unusual gun being fired sparks his interest. Ellen Gjelten, his partner, makes a startling discovery. Then a former soldier is found with his throat cut. In a quest that takes him to South Africa and Vienna, Harry finds himself perpetually one step behind the killer. He will be both winner and loser by the novel’s nail-biting conclusion.
The Redbreast won the Glass Key prize for the best Nordic crime novel when it was first published, and was subsequently voted Norway’s best crime novel. The Devil’s Star , Nesbø’s first novel featuring Harry Hole to be translated into English, marked Nesbø as a writer to watch in the ever more fashionable world of Nordic crime.
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7.9 一開始讀起來是很不情願,很難進入其中的。大概是因為這不是常規的哈利霍勒係列,感覺更像是他是配角,主角是一開始患絕癥的老頭子,基本上就是一節1944過去的故事,一節1999/2000年現今的故事,一開始的心情就是啊啊啊啊什麼鬼啊我想看哈利辦案(受摺磨)的劇情,不是這個...
評分 評分哈利在執行護衛美國總統訪挪威的安保事宜時,開槍誤傷一名美國安保人員 為掩蓋此事暴露齣的友國之間信息不通暢的弱項,哈利被明升暗降到密勤局任警監。 交叉描述發生在五十年前,二戰時期,挪威派齣的近衛軍加入德國與蘇聯作戰的故事。 引子是一個老人(烏利爾)以高價從黑市購...
評分 評分圖書標籤: Jo_Nesbo 北歐 Harry_Hole 懸疑 小說 英文版 有聲書 推理小說
Not as good as Steig Larsson!
評分Harry Hole 係列真正成功的起點。曆史和現實的交相呼,一段想被遺忘的曆史的復仇。這種如此富有深度而寫實的警探小說的確為北歐所獨有!
評分178/18 信誰
評分Harry Hole 係列真正成功的起點。曆史和現實的交相呼,一段想被遺忘的曆史的復仇。這種如此富有深度而寫實的警探小說的確為北歐所獨有!
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